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the so famous pouët.net oneliner

  • sauli stop threatening us with good time
  • aqu sssbst_09: is this the beginning of spring?
  • ltk_tscc New DJ Mix... SCHALLQUADRANT. link me beautiful
  • Depeche bra.s? abracada-bra.s is much better!
  • Queen_Luna link me beautiful

Scene World Podcast Ep. #209 - Dying Breed with Ignacio Trelles

It's time for a new episode! Say hello to Ignacio Trelles, CEO and Co-Founder of Sarnayer Studio which is developing 'Dying Breed' - a new isometric pixel art RTS game with retro futuristic vibes! Tune in and enjoy! The interview starts at minute 18:51

Listen to/watch at: https://scene.world/dyingbreed
[Submitted by Nafcom]
lobstregated at BitFellas.org on 2025-02-16

the Diskmag #0, a sneak-peak

Amigas and Gentlemen,

Here a sneak-peak of the latest sheriff in town: the Diskmag.
So check it out and enjoy this pre-release called issue #0.

and yea, good luck find the credits for code-graphics-music in this issue, because we will not tell.

Happy scrolling!

[Submitted by browallia]
lobstregated at BitFellas.org on 2025-02-16

Scene World #35 is out!

Hi, for your C64 news section: It has been done! Our NTSC & PAL diskmag Scene World for the C64 has made it to #35 and can be downloaded at https://sceneworld.org/issues/ as well as viewed online via the browser.

Including also a wonderful diskcover done by our Peruvian member #retromantis, which can be downloaded from above, as well!
[Submitted by Nafcom]
lobstregated at BitFellas.org on 2025-02-06

Demoscene Report 29 January 2025

Weekly news and releases from the active demoscene community. This week special focus on the releases from the Payback demoparty. Watch the video on youtube.
[Submitted by ps]
lobstregated at BitFellas.org on 2025-01-29

Lovebyte 2025 - Blind Date

Join us in a celebration of the small things, with a dedicated sizecoding demoparty / event, held on the weekend of 15-16th February 2025 on Discord and Twitch ( https://www.twitch.tv/lovebytedemoparty )

This year, our theme is Blind Date. All competitions entries will be shown without their creators' names, so get ready to admire the anonymous!

We'll have intro competitions in different size categories, from 32 bytes to 1024 bytes.
Alongside our Tiny Executable Graphics and Music competitions to Tiny Graphics or Graphics (covering both executable and text graphics) and Bytebeat Music competitions. Have an 8 or 16 byte intro, or a nanogame to show? We've got a Wild Showcase for you!

We'll have size-coded related seminars to get you started, a Bytejam, Introshows, DJ Sets and other goodies.

We welcome everyone from newcomers to veterans and are open to all platforms. From oldschool Atari, Commodore, Amstrad & ZX Spectrum to High-end and Fantasy Console platforms.

This is the one event where size does matter! Don't miss it!


[Submitted by lovebyte]
lobstregated at BitFellas.org on 2025-01-27
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