polartimecast information 139 glöps
- general:
- level: user
- personal:
- first name: Robert
- last name: Smith
- cdcs:
- cdc #1: fr-055: 828 by Farbrausch [web]
- cdc #2: Inflorescence by mfx [web]
screenshots added 12 glöps
- game Windows siq by quad [web]
- game MS-Dos masters of deflektor by 7 Gods [web]
- game MS-Dos THE SIBERIAN GLUE PIGEONS (siperian vaihtoperhonen 2) by ISO
- game MS-Dos siperian vaihtoperhonen by ISO
- game MS-Dos sikanimi lentokonesimulaattori 2: the mongolian war by ISO
- game MS-Dos sikanimi lentokonesimulaattori by ISO
- game MS-Dos crytris by Cryonics [web]
- game MS-Dos Dirty Harry 1.1 by tAAt [web]
- game MS-Dos Potkulautaseikkailu strataaripeli by tAAt [web]
- game MS-Dos Cyber Antero by tAAt [web]
- game MS-Dos Ultra Deluxe Pallo Zone by tAAt [web]
- game MS-Dos Kinkku Karoliina by tAAt [web]
account created on the 2007-03-16 03:16:20