pasy information 1038 glöps
- general:
- level: user
- personal:
- first name: Róbert
- last name: Pálmai
- portals:
- slengpung: pictures
- cdcs:
- cdc #1: kardiogramm by bypass [web]
- cdc #2: STS-05: Royal Temple Ball by Synesthetics
- cdc #3: Everything is Under Control - The Breakpoint 2009 Invitation by mfx [web]
- cdc #4: Sonoluminescence by Loopit [web]
prods added 142 x 2 = 284 glöps
- demo Windows QuantumBanana by Feryx
- demo ZX Spectrum Pinacotheca by Kaszi75
- 4k Windows demojoe the game developer by Tifeco
- demo fastdemo Windows Das Universum by TeVe
- demo Windows Én biztos nem by fresh!mindworkz [web]
- 256b Raspberry Pi bouncircles
- 512b TIC-80 Demosceners on the beach at night
- demo Windows Introduction
- demo Windows neON by Lunaticats [web]
- 4k Windows Icecold by Rebels
- demo Windows android303 by fresh!mindworkz [web]
- fastdemo Windows Drájfírtel by ZAP!
- 64k Windows invot teih martx by Rebels
- demo Windows ezmiez by TeVe
- demo Gameboy Tendonin by Rebels
- demo Windows One Chillion Dots by Rebels
- demo invitation Windows Mandelbulb by Lunaticats [web]
- demo Windows Inversion by Rebels
- 4k Windows Ampelwürfel by Rebels
- 4k Windows 14400sec by Pannonia Allstars
- demo Windows ketchup & mustard by Pannonia Allstars
- demo Windows Coleslaw no sé Acapulco by Rebels
- demo Windows Elara by Rebels
- musicdisk Windows chipmusicdisk #3 by Rebels
- 64k Windows Rebelaxy by Rebels
- 4k Windows demojoe the superhero (demojoe episode 4) by Tifeco
- demo Windows ugyanaz minden by TeVe
- demo invitation Windows 24-6 by Rebels
- 64k Windows Saarwellingen by TeVe
- demo invitation Windows Welcome home by Poo-Brain [web] & Rebels
- demo Windows something by Rebels
- demo Windows konfrontz0ne by Erydium & Greenroom
- 40k Windows Attendorn by TeVe
- demo Windows Signal Unknown by Erydium
- demo Windows Meaningless by Ümlaüt Design [web] & fresh!mindworkz [web]
- demo Windows Absztrakt by Rebels
- demo Windows Dark side by Rebels
- demo Windows Hlad!
- demo Windows Margin of Error by fresh!mindworkz [web] & Ümlaüt Design [web]
- 64k Windows Pozsony by TeVe
- demo Windows liquid sun by Rebels
- 64k Windows dancing galaxy by Rebels
- demo Windows NE0N by Rebels
- 64k Windows Grammar nazis from outer space by Angielski
- demo Windows Desktop by Rebels
- 64k Windows Mond by TeVe
- 32k Windows Starmap by Rebels
- 4k Windows geared by Tifeco
- 40k Windows seltsam by TeVe
- 8k Windows Evoke Our Function by Tristar & Red Sector Inc. [web] & Rebels
account created on the 2003-07-06 22:41:10