d3pth information 1197 glöps
- general:
- level: user
- personal:
- first name: Dennis
- last name: Hjorth
- cdcs:
- cdc #1: pager-11 by Fudge & orange
- cdc #2: stuff by xtacy
- cdc #3: sea robot of love by orange
- cdc #4: Dying Stars by orange
- cdc #5: Empires by Conspiracy [web]
bbs posts 52 posts
- TRSAC 2023 | October 20th - 22nd | Aarhus Denmark | IRL (parties)
- TRSAC 2023 | October 20th - 22nd | Aarhus Denmark | IRL (parties)
- Mac OS platforms - need ppc differentiator please (general)
- new release from dune/brothomstates (music)
- Assembly Summer 2017 oldskool platform lottery (parties)
- GLSL Sandbox (code)
- RIP Steve Jobs (offtopic)
- MindCandy Volume 3 - demo playlist feedback (general)
- twittering sceners (offtopic)
- ASSEMBLY Summer 2010 (parties)
- ATI 5870 / 5850 (general)
- .Kkapture a demo for me, please (general)
- Future Crew's Unreal ][... (general)
- Future Crew's Unreal ][... (general)
- musicians cant code! ask smash! ;P (general)
- BEHOLD!!! THE SECRET OF MY SUCCESS!!!!!!!!!! (general)
- NVScene 2008! (general)
- NVScene 2008! (general)
- Windows demos at 43fps? (general)
- NVScene 2008! (general)
- NVScene 2008! (general)
- NVScene 2008! (general)
- NVScene 2008! (general)
- keyboards for coders (offtopic)
- Left-handed sceners? (general)
- Breakpoint streaming load test (general)
- XP compability in VS2008 builds (general)
- DOS demo that used "ellipsoid" technology? (general)
- ASM06 seminars (general)
- ASM06 seminars (general)
- nVidia - Amazing Creations (general)
- Opinion wanted on next MindCandy (general)
- Demos with soul (not the music) (general)
- What dead and burried group do you want to resurrect? (general)
- Demo'ish objects (offtopic)
- What's up with the scene? (general)
- women as mothers in demos (general)
- asm05 seminar material (general)
- SCEEN rules!! (general)
- fix me beautifull (general)
- An animation by Sumo Lounge from Moppi Productions (general)
- what are your favorite sceners? (general)
- urbandictionary.com (general)
- Jawdropping demos (general)
- Assembly 04 first seminar videos (parties)
- ASM'04 Seminars (parties)
- ASM'04 Seminars (parties)
- Sexiest scener (general)
- Fucking 2ND_PM.S3M (general)
- What's your favourite thing to shout at a demoparty? (residue)
account created on the 2001-08-10 13:20:54