jate information 3 glöps
contributions to prods 12 prods (393 thumbs up, 6 thumbs down)
- 2019 intro Commodore 64 Subtelevision by orange [graphics]
- 2019 4k intro Commodore 64 The Cyber Posse [Graphics]
- 2018 demo Commodore 64 VISIO 2018 by Hirmu [Graphics]
- 1998 demo
Hyperventilation by Byterapers [web] [graphics]
- 1997 demo MS-Dos Pandemic by Byterapers [web] [graphics]
- 1996 demo
Commodore 64
Unsound Minds - Follow the Sign III by Byterapers [web] [graphics]
- 1996 demo MS-Dos Drill Me, Please Me by Byterapers [web] [graphics]
- 1995 demo
Commodore 64
Extremes by Byterapers [web] [graphics]
- 1995 demo MS-Dos/gus Semtex City by Jeskola! Productions [graphics]
- 1994 report MS-Dos MS-Dos/gus desperate hours by Jeskola! Productions [graphics]
- 1994 demo
Evolver by Jeskola! Productions [graphics]
- 1994 demo MS-Dos/gus Serious by Jeskola! Productions [graphics]
account created on the 2016-01-26 08:43:00