trigger information 333 glöps
- general:
- level: user
- personal:
- first name: zack
- last name: mc cracken
- cdcs:
- cdc #1: Rudebox by Alcatraz [web]
- cdc #2: 0b5vr GLSL Techno Live Set by 0b5vr
contributions to prods 5 prods (136 thumbs up, 3 thumbs down)
- 2013 cracktro Windows Guess Who's Back? by Genesis [code]
- 2013 cracktro Windows DEViANCE Cracktro 2006 by DEViANCE [web] [Code]
- 2005 4k Windows automation by Digital Devotion [code (additional)]
- 2004 4k invitation Windows black birdie invitation by Digital Devotion [code, design]
- 2004 4k Windows storming the cosmos by Digital Devotion [code, graphics]
account created on the 2003-04-20 15:08:53