BeRo information 162 glöps
- general:
- level: user
- personal:
- first name: Benjamin
- last name: Rosseaux
contributions to prods 50 prods (1341 thumbs up, 188 thumbs down)
- 2021 demo invitation Windows Escapist Island by vacuum [web] [Code]
- 2020 invitation Windows Where Sofas End by vacuum [web] [Code]
- 2020 64k Windows fr-094: Hypnotic Bass by Farbrausch [web] [Code, graphics, music, toolchain]
- 2019 64k Windows fr-093: Technology by Farbrausch [web] [code, gfx, synth, music]
- 2019 64k Windows fr-minus-031: Corruptiia by Farbrausch [web] [code, gfx, synth, music]
- 2019 64k invitation Windows fr-minus-023: Deep in the air by Farbrausch [web] & vacuum [web] [Code, graphics, music]
- 2019 invitation Wild LED the sun shine in your heart by vacuum [web] [code]
- 2018 64k Windows fr-minus-095: .scr by Farbrausch [web] [Code, graphics, music]
- 2018 32k Windows fr-091: Abstractia by Farbrausch [web] [Code, graphics, music, synth]
- 2018 64k Windows fr-090: Let be there light by Farbrausch [web] [Code, graphics, music, toolchain, synth]
- 2017 64k Windows fr-089: Drop the beat by Farbrausch [web] [everything]
- 2017 64k Windows fr-088: Quantum Mysterium by Farbrausch [web] [code]
- 2017 64k Windows fr-minus-019: It is summer time by Farbrausch [web] [Code, Graphics, Music]
- 2017 demo invitation Windows Deep in the Underground by vacuum [web] [code]
- 2017 64k Windows fr-086: The Race by Farbrausch [web] [Code, graphics, music]
- 2016 64k Windows fr-085: Let there be light by Farbrausch [web] [Code, graphics, music]
- 2016 64k Windows fr-084: Robot is jarig by Farbrausch [web] [code]
- 2016 64k Windows fr-083: What is time by Farbrausch [web] [Code, Graphics, Music]
- 2015 64k Windows fr-082: The Sphere by Farbrausch [web] [Code, graphics, music]
- 2015 64k Windows fr-097: Digital Doomsday by Farbrausch [web] [Code, synth, graphics, music]
- 2015 4k Windows fr-minus-020: Compofilla by Farbrausch [web] [code]
- 2015 64k Windows fr-078: Sweet night dreams by Farbrausch [web] [Code, synth, graphics, music]
- 2014 demo
Atari ST
Thunderdome - The Demo by Checkpoint [web] [music]
- 2014 64k Windows fr-076: The four elements by Farbrausch [web] [code, synth, graphics, soundtrack]
- 2014 8k Windows fr-067: Outer worlds by Farbrausch [web] [Code, graphics, music, synth]
- 2013 64k Windows fr-minus-018: Draislyetherper by Farbrausch [web] [Code, Design, Music]
- 2013 64k
fr-minus-017: coderpr0n by Farbrausch [web] [Code, Graphics, Music]
- 2012 64k Windows fr-minus-016: Oh, there was no executable music compo by Farbrausch [web] [Code, music, graphics]
- 2012 game Windows Android Scenemon by Farbrausch [web] & Rebels [Code]
- 2011 invitation Wild fr-073 devmania 2011 webgl experiment by Farbrausch [web] & Rebels [code]
- 2011 64k Windows fr-080: Strobo-plus-32767: pacemaker by Farbrausch [web] & Stroboholics [Code, shader wrangler, music]
- 2010 game Linux Windows Mobile Phone FoembJump by Farbrausch [web] & Neuro [Code, Music]
- 2008 demotool Windows BR404 software synthesizer by Farbrausch [web] [Code]
- 2008 64k Windows fr-minus-013: eskimonologie by Farbrausch [web] [Code, graphics]
- 2008 4k Windows fr-minus-011: gitterrausch by Farbrausch [web] [Code, Graphics, Music]
- 2008 wild Animation/Video All Ein Sein by b-art-lett & Bero [Music]
- 2007 demo Windows fr-053: Back in time by Farbrausch [web] [Code, Graphics, Music, Other (idea)]
- 2006 demotool Windows BeRoEXEPacker by Farbrausch [web] [code]
- 2006 wild Windows fr-051: brotkaestchen by Farbrausch [web] & Metalvotze [web] [Code]
- 2006 4k Windows CubeMan by Null OK [web] [Code, graphics, music]
- 2006 64k Windows BUCHSTABENSUPPE by Null OK [web] [Code]
- 2005 4k Windows Amalgam by Null OK [web] [Music]
- 2005 4k Windows Plan B by Null OK [web] [Music]
- 2005 4k Windows SpaceSharks! by Null OK [web] [code, music]
- 2005 4k invitation Windows evoke spacerace by Null OK [web] & Black Maiden [web] & Ümlaüt Design [web] [Code (realtime synth)]
- 2005 4k game Windows Das Tetris by Null OK [web] [Code, graphics, music]
- 2005 4k Windows Die Potenz by Null OK [web] [Music]
- 2004 64k Windows The 0ok x-mas Intro '04 by Null OK [web] [Code, graphics, music]
- 2004 4k
chernobee by DBCdemo [web] & Null OK [web] [Music]
- demotool Windows The 0ok Assembler by Null OK [web] [Code]
account created on the 2004-10-01 17:16:47