anesthetic information 2842 glöps
- general:
- level: user
- personal:
- first name: Tugrul
- last name: Ates
- cdcs:
- cdc #1: fr-019: poemtoahorse by Farbrausch [web]
- cdc #2: VARIFORM by Kewlers [web]
- cdc #3: Memento by Conspiracy [web]
- cdc #4: Lifeforce by Andromeda Software Development [web]
- cdc #5: Snapshot by Glance [web]
- cdc #6: Protogeo 100% by Glance [web]
nfos added 155 glöps
- 256b MS-Dos Black and White Lightballs by The Third Foundation [web]
- 256b MS-Dos rotating 3d-starfield with blur by The Third Foundation [web]
- 256b MS-Dos 3 Emeralds by dSK! [web]
- 256b MS-Dos Windtunnel by Brutal Core Division
- 256b MS-Dos 4SUM
- 256b MS-Dos Spiral
- 256b MS-Dos Blah
- 256b MS-Dos Nyaah
- demo MS-Dos Eternal Life by Eternal
- 4k Windows Inferno by Titan [web]
- bbstro Windows DBF Message board intro by Dark Bit Factory [web]
- demo Windows Interlude by Nuance [web]
- demo Windows Death Tripping by Dutch Posse
- demo Windows Wrong Heaven by kiki-prods [web]
- demo Windows Spank da Bitch by Die Wissenden [web]
- 4k Windows Origami by Kakiarts [web]
- 4k Windows CMath5 by TGGC
- 4k Windows Syltia by Bauknecht [web] & NecroStudios [web]
- 4k Windows 11 Spinning Pillars by Mostly Harmless
- 4k Windows Sed Rector by Tristar
- 4k Windows Sound of Music by Darklite [web]
- 4k Windows HB-01 Geometry by Hypnotic Brains
- 64k Windows Rip Van Vegas by Finality
- demo Windows I Eleni - The Stars by Contraz [web]
- demo Windows Sacre Bleu by Lightcore
- demo Windows Paranoia by Sklutti
- demo Windows Xanubis by Structured Noise
- demo Windows ColorParade
- demo Windows Tryggvification III
- demo Windows Barkebilleboogie by Dark CodeX Crew [web]
- demo Windows The Beginning by Nazareth [web]
- demo Windows Treble and Bass by PlayPsyCo [web]
- 64k Windows Meet The Family by Fairlight [web]
- 64k Windows eVolution by Prefect
- 64k Windows stupid title my girlfriend gave me by Nocturnal [web]
- 4k Windows Dream Control by Black Magic Indeed
- 4k bbstro MS-Dos The Deep Abyss by Flare [web]
- intro MS-Dos Nikotin by Flare [web]
- 64k Windows FroomX by Fractoid [web]
- game Windows Killer duck by Manyetiq [web]
- demo MS-Dos Speed Phobia by TeVe
- 8k game Windows Sus Galaktikus
- demo MS-Dos Windows jääskeläinen, entinen lambada-tanssija by ISO
- demo MS-Dos jmagic on kiva 14 by ISO
- demotool MS-Dos demomylly 3+ by ISO
- demotool MS-Dos demomylly 3 by ISO
- demo MS-Dos Arise! by ISO
- intro Windows dihp by Mastermind
- 4k MS-Dos 4K FLiGHT by Scoop
- demo MS-Dos hammaslääkäri by ISO
account created on the 2005-04-24 09:07:29