jmph information 379 glöps
- general:
- level: user
- personal:
- first name: Jay
- portals:
- demozoo: profile
- demo Java [i] by Yodel [web]
- Interesting, has good music and some nice scenes but the graphics & a few of the design elements don't really hold up. Then again, I didn't realize it was a java demo when I was watching (via Phoenix's capture on YT.) I don't imagine trying to use hardware acceleration or do perspective-correct textures in software on whatever implementation of Java was around in 1998 would be much fun.
Still, thumb for what it is. I would've been impressed back in the day. - rulezadded on the 2018-09-06 10:46:11
- demo PICO-8 rock for metal by Jumalauta [web]
- This fucking rules. Nice job. \m/
- rulezadded on the 2018-09-06 02:27:10
- wild Animation/Video BOING BALL SO CRAZY by Pixel Nation [web]
- The music in this is brickwalled to all hell & sounds awful. :( Which is a real shame, as I like both the track & the animation a lot, but that makes it near unwatchable for me. And yes, I checked the audio in the 600MB source vid to make sure it wasn't YT's fault.
Any chance of a remaster & re-up? Hell, send ME the stems & I'll remaster it for you.
Right now I can't in good faith thumb. - isokadded on the 2018-09-01 00:01:14
- 4k bbstro MS-Dos Polaris BBS
- Was on a floppy disk of stuff I downloaded from said BBS. :) Same with The Killer Instinct.
- rulezadded on the 2018-07-16 08:23:10
- 64k MS-Dos qdpb by MovSD [web]
- I love how the first comment here is "nowadays almost unrunnable :-/ ". It's a decade later and it's now FAR easier to run this than anything for Windows from that era.
Cool art style in this, great use of translucency & greyscale for a sort of ghostly feel. Seems like memories or echoes of some forgotten industry... Great chillout demo.
BTW don't watch the YT capture. Compression KILLS it. - rulezadded on the 2018-07-15 20:41:50
- demo Windows High Voltage (win32) by Inquisition [web]
- The music of this didn't age well and the direction / structure isn't very good, but I'm gonna thumb this up for the extremely nice software 3D engine. There are some great low-res visuals (in the first half especially), and it's mostly free of the typical problems of late '90s texture mapped graphics (polygon gaps, perspective distortion, etc.) Some gouraud or even flat shading would have been nice, but it is what it is.
The credits tune is better than the main tune.
Disclaimer: I didn't try to run this on hardware, I only watched Phoenix's capture on yt, so YMMV. - rulezadded on the 2018-07-13 10:15:03
- 4k cracktro MS-Dos file directory cracktro by Forgive Us Crazy Kids
- What's the story with these? Was it just really easy to hex edit the scrolltext or what?
- isokadded on the 2018-06-17 22:22:22
- wild Animation/Video 8-bit Gusli by Kakos Nonos
- Thumb up for random happy dog. And I learned about a new instrument. Made me smile!
- rulezadded on the 2018-05-12 17:40:51
- demotool MS-Dos Windows MacOSX Intel Reality Adlib Tracker v2 by Reality [web]
- OMG. I saw this pop up a few days ago, missed the "2" and didn't realize it was a new update. NICE job guys! Love the OPL3 support, the built-in emulator, and especially the MIDI support. I'm definitely gonna give this a test drive in some upcoming projects. :)
It's running fine under WINE, but a native Linux executable would be nice. Major props for OS/X AND for keeping the DOS version alive though!
BTW the included demo tunes are tops. Super enjoying OPL3 Groove right now as I write this.
This might very quickly become my favorite OPL3 tool. - rulezadded on the 2018-05-05 02:25:29
- 16k MS-Dos fade thing by Agnostic Front
- Agreed. Not much to this but I love both logos. Proper classic pixel art.
- rulezadded on the 2018-05-02 08:26:02
account created on the 2013-06-24 07:35:42