new datamask release "hard boiled" by h.kyllonen/tainnos
category: music [glöplog]
│68617264 626f696c6564 6279 746│
│1696e6e6f73 68617264 626f696c6│
│564 6279 7461696e6e6f73 686172│
│64 626f696c6564 6279 7461696e6│
│e6f73 68617264 626f696c6564 62│
│79 7461696e6e6f73 68617264 626│
│f696c6564 6279 7461696e6e6f73 │
│68617264 626f696c6564 6279 746│
│1696e6e6f73 68617264 626f696c6│
│564 6279 7461696e6e6f73 686172│
│64 626f696c6564 6279 7461696e6│
│e6f73 68617264 626f696c6564 62│
│79 7461696e6e6f73 68617264 626│
│f696c6564 6279 7461696e6e6f73 │
│68617264 626f696c6564 6279 746│
│1696e6e6f73 68617264 626f696c6│
│564 6279 7461696e6e6f73 686172│
│64 626f696c6564 6279 7461696e6│
│ hard boiled │
│ artist(s): tainnos │
│ remix(es): n/a │
│ tracklist: │
│ 1: black box behemoth │
│ 2: home basement │
│ 3: playground radiation │
│ 4: hoping opium │
│ info: │
│ subterranean ambient/noise. │
│ download │
│ format: IT │
│ filesize: 3.0mb │
pouet bbs seems to always have a problem with datamask ascii :(
also fixed release of endwhile.xm by raina, which i accidentally put up as an .IT out of habit!