
Demoscene outreach The Netherlands - Maastricht December 14th 2013

category: parties [glöplog]
TMC^Role and me are doing a little demoscene outreach presentation at a Pirate Party event in The Netherlands - Maastricht upcoming weekend. Saturday December the 14th 2013. Drop by for demos and beer if you're around.

added on the 2013-12-10 01:28:31 by numtek numtek
Considering but not making promises n.n;
added on the 2013-12-10 03:37:31 by ___ ___
added on the 2013-12-10 21:06:30 by numtek numtek
Im considering, but 300 KM is off-putting
helaas, drukke dagen en geen zin om een tering eind te reizen naar maastricht. dus succes. doe 't voortaan op een centraal punt in .nl, Enschede ofzo! :)
added on the 2013-12-11 01:03:02 by el mal el mal
Knoekie:It will be fun to have you on board but it is quite a distance to travel for one hour :) Just let me know if yuou do plan to visit and I'll see to it that the entrance is free.

Flashlight: If you have to travel 300km, upcoming summer we're going to give a party around may for our 10 or 12.5 year aniversary, it will be more fun than a one hour presentation :)

@Maali: It wasn't my idea to do this in Maastricht either. I'm probably going to do the same talk in The Hague as well around the 18th. The Hague is way more central!
added on the 2013-12-11 09:59:18 by numtek numtek
helaas moet ik de 18de zeer waarschijnlijk naar groningen, een ander zeer centraal punt :P
added on the 2013-12-11 11:15:17 by el mal el mal
