NES chipdisk
category: code [glöplog]
Hi, I look for a coder. Is there anybody who wants to have more or less fun with coding NES chiptune? If someone has ready player engine, that's even better.
I have prepared 11 tracks with total duration 24:05.
I cannot offer much but music. I would be grateful.
Greetings, Jakim
I have prepared 11 tracks with total duration 24:05.
I cannot offer much but music. I would be grateful.
Greetings, Jakim
NO CARRIER has made a nice engine. You just need a .nsf file handy and that's all :)
Hi Jakim,
Perhaps you can provide some more information to increase the participation, like what format are your tracks in?
Perhaps you can provide some more information to increase the participation, like what format are your tracks in?
Sorry, forgot about BBcode (Damn you oneliner and your bad habit making :P)
Thanks for replies. I've done my tracks in FamiTracker, so format is NSF (and MP3/FLAC/FTM). Since I don't know NES structure at all, it's hard to provide any further details.
Thanks TomoAlien for the link, I'll check it out.
Thanks TomoAlien for the link, I'll check it out.