
Razor 1911 si teh sux!

category: general [glöplog]
Mtl: reading stuff on gamespot is retarded, and beliving what you read there is even worse... so please stfu... anyone with justalittlebit more brain than a typical aoluser would understand the level of truth in such a newsreport
oh, and kb... well... nah I better let it be unspoken... "intresseklubben kanske hade antecknat om du ens visste vad du snackar om" would have done it but that doesnt work on you does it?

last question, what has this thread got to do with anything?
oh, and most of the text in that DoJ report was copypasted from http://www.usdoj.gov/criminal/cybercrime/pitmanSent.htm

hehe =)

and who cares about ppl who get sentenced now, when they got busted back in 2001? I would say this is oldnews and KB is the über-oldnews pimp
Someone missed the point, AND! He's from Razor 1911.. Oh my!
added on the 2004-02-15 11:01:15 by Hatikvah Hatikvah
oh then maybe you can just tell me the point of this thread, since he did not sell warez, and the news itself is old, and carding or getting busted for it is nothing unusual, especially not in the warezscene. nad if the point was that he is too old for doin stuff like that + he sux since he got busted, well, he is an american so ofcoz he is stupid? stefan tell me the point I cant see it, I must be american!
oh and me being from razor1911s demodiv has nothing to do with is, I dissrespect them us scenecriminals as much as you =) I wich it was trc who got busted but seems not
us as in U.S, förlåt för min hängöver
lettat be our lesson. don't let catch ourselves.

and kb: your attitude sucks. the procecutors would glue anything on them to make them sit in the prison longer. if someone searches in biography of any of us, we could probably even if not be prosecuted criminally, but who knows? perhaps you have killed an army of some country that you never heard of and don't even know it? think about it!

and i frankly don't wanna hear anything of razor demoscene part having nothing in common with the criminal part. You don't take a name you don't like, do you? so i only have to say: poor silly razorers.

though this changes nothing in demoscene being in general not more criminal than an average PC user.
added on the 2004-02-15 16:15:35 by eye eye
I only have one thing to say to eye: when you dont know shit, dont speak up
dubmood: i'm just being evil as usual. ;)

i actually wanted to point out that i have quite some sympathy towards the busted guys. even if i myself am "clean". perhaps it didn't show. :>
added on the 2004-02-15 17:06:06 by eye eye
added on the 2004-02-15 18:35:47 by dipswitch dipswitch
arneweiisse: yeah, quite disappointing that it took >20 posts to make mr. "I'm only 16 but I'm the 1337 style m4st4 and have more skillz and stylez than all yo lam0rz 2getha" finally defend his groupmates. Thought they'd pop up earlier.

Oh, which attitude of mine btw? I didn't say anything but (to come back to the original discussion):

Razor 1911 si teh sux!
added on the 2004-02-15 19:14:14 by kb_ kb_
that was just pathetic mr " I am an adult but still wear leatherpants, makeup and think its cool with spiky leather neclesses"... why are you trying to pick a fight with mr. "I'm only 16 but I'm the 1337 style m4st4 and have more skillz and stylez than all yo lam0rz 2getha" when mr. "I'm only 16 but I'm the 1337 style m4st4 and have more skillz and stylez than all yo lam0rz 2getha" actually didnt defend his "groupmates" and the actual threadsubject was as intelligent as if you were mr. "I'm only 16 but I wich I was the 1337 style m4st4 but dont really know anything about the subject I wanna fight about but I spend all my free hours after highscool on isonewz and linknet tryin to get fame by dissing people" (and I know you aint ) instead of mr. "I am old and have no life so the only thing that gives my life a purpose is to try to pick fights with people on a geekcomunity by calling them 16 years old and telling them their group is teh sux wich also is the ultimate geekjoke"

I dont wanna have any beefs with you since I see no reasons do disslike you in any way. I cant see why you wanna have it with me but maybe you want to explain it to me? till then I will just see it as that you have got the "wannabe stefan but cant do it with his humor or sence of irony so I just make a complete fool out of myself" flue wich also seems to have got some people in this comunity permanently. no names needed to be told...
I, for your sake, most certainly hope your English teacher never gets to read this :)

Stay in school!
added on the 2004-02-16 13:11:50 by superplek superplek
Hehe, dubmood, you're getting better :)

Nah, what I might have against you is that Razor's demo division was acting like a bunch of spoiled kids some time ago and you were the loudest. Apart from that, nothing :)

Oh, and apart from that, of course Razor 1911 still si te... or let's say it's enough now. What definitely sucks is to rant and rave about how your group is the ultimate incarnation of best Robinhood'esque scene spirit and then getting busted selling stolen hardware. Yeah. There goes the credibility (not that there was any before, but all those leet warez dorks can stay in their dream world, it's ok with me).
added on the 2004-02-16 13:22:38 by kb_ kb_
[quote="kb"]Hehe, dubmood, you're getting better :)[/quote]

*Ehem* how could he get worse?.
added on the 2004-02-16 13:28:35 by Hatikvah Hatikvah
We're waiting for the first axe murderer involved with one or another group ;)
added on the 2004-02-16 13:29:54 by superplek superplek

Variemai na diavaso :PPP
added on the 2004-02-16 13:31:02 by Optimus Optimus
added on the 2004-02-16 13:32:37 by superplek superplek
added on the 2004-02-16 13:35:44 by Gargaj Gargaj
to make my opinion clear (if anybody cares about it...)
bin deiner meinung kb... *g*
this is a clear straight opinion, as used from me...
added on the 2004-02-16 13:44:54 by v3nom v3nom
Fistfight between Kb and Dubmood at Breakpoint 2004 announced in 3.. 2.. 1..
added on the 2004-02-16 15:56:29 by Shifter Shifter
woo, flame war. and the retarded smegmaeating dubmood is humiliating himself, as usual.
What definitely sucks is to rant and rave about how your group is the ultimate incarnation of best Robinhood'esque scene spirit and then getting busted for axe murder. Yeah. There goes the credibility
added on the 2004-02-16 21:05:43 by hollowman hollowman
Well, at least they were willing to stand up for their fucked-up point of view. Surely worth a crappy HBO special!
added on the 2004-02-16 22:38:28 by Shifter Shifter
