
Looking for a demo

category: offtopic [glöplog]
Looking for a demo from the middle of the nineties.
It had fast paced music, some (orange coloured) phongshaded objects rotating.
Some blue logo?
and i think there was a red porsce in gouraud shading in the last scene of the demo.

Anyone remember the name of the demo and from which group?
added on the 2013-06-06 11:30:03 by rudi rudi
amiga or pc? (other?)
added on the 2013-06-06 11:33:29 by Canopy Canopy
a quick google search for
Code:site:pouet.net demo phong shading sports car
gives me this demo which matches your description pretty well, judging by the youtube video.
added on the 2013-06-06 11:37:04 by v3nom v3nom
no, need.
i found it. here
funny, the way i found it was through google-images searching for vangelistracker after trying to run "visions of light" by valhalla in dosbox.

added on the 2013-06-06 11:49:48 by rudi rudi
no, sorry. that was the group.
here it is. lol :P
added on the 2013-06-06 11:52:16 by rudi rudi
im looking for a C64 cracktro (most probably) , it features spinning big star with some sin disortions, and a looped superb mellody, it was played constantly for like na hour in the night aqt Arok party, thanks
added on the 2013-07-07 13:04:21 by gorgh gorgh
I woke up with two demos in mind.

One was when testing demos in my 486, but maybe it doesn't exist, maybe I saw in dream. There was a starry scene with orange gouraud shaded objects, wide screen. Then others with flying through space tech wall, with billinear filtering. But I think I remember in which dream I saw this. I liked it for it's code.

The other is real. Each part is a part of a cube. Cube appears with screenshot of part in it's sides, zooms in and shows the part, zooms out, rotates to flip to the other side.
added on the 2013-10-03 07:48:50 by Optimus Optimus
I've also looked for a demo for a long time now: it was an Amiga demo prod, but I'm not sure if it was ECS or AGA. All I do know is that it had quite a few HAM images, and at one point it had bitplane discs overlapping each other, about five of them at least. But throughout the whole thing was this nice mellow tune that seemed to go on for ages, and as the demo went on it got slower and slower, until it just petered out. That is one I would dearly love to see again, but how do I search for it?
added on the 2013-10-03 08:27:59 by Foebane72 Foebane72
site:pouet.net demo phong shading sports car

BITS comments does a great service to the scene :)
added on the 2013-10-03 10:29:09 by Optimus Optimus
Each part is a part of a cube. Cube appears with screenshot of part in it's sides, zooms in and shows the part, zooms out, rotates to flip to the other side.

Reminds me of Black Ice but there are probably a dozen other demos with the same concept...
added on the 2013-10-04 11:51:22 by hfr hfr
Reminds me of Black Ice but there are probably a dozen other demos with the same concept...

Oh,. I am not sure if it was this one. But this looks cooler than the one I remember. Great find!
added on the 2013-10-04 12:10:56 by Optimus Optimus
I am looking for a demo too! It had one part with a rotation cube and also some ribbons going on, with kickazz electronic music. Help plz?
added on the 2013-10-04 14:29:20 by Salinga Salinga
The other is real. Each part is a part of a cube. Cube appears with screenshot of part in it's sides, zooms in and shows the part, zooms out, rotates to flip to the other side.

Judging from the third comment on it, there's a very very good chance that you're thinking of Chaos Construction 000 Dentro by Razzlers.
added on the 2013-10-04 20:03:14 by gasman gasman
Hello all,

I too have a demo in mind, from which I fondly remember a screen with text where the letters went up in flames -or burned down in flames- individually one by one, quite fast though.
I'm almost certain it was an Amiga demo. I only saw part of it, on a TV show, the previous millennium! :-)

Google-fu skills failed me... :-(

added on the 2013-10-04 22:45:02 by prodigy prodigy
Oh, I have another one!

It was a demo I saw in a shop screen. It had the purple frame from the intro of the ORK Amiga game (linky) but it had tightly intertwined gears of silver-blue colour IIRC.
I think it mentioned something like Mental Slayer, but I never managed to locate it.
added on the 2013-10-04 22:54:34 by prodigy prodigy
Judging from the third comment on it, there's a very very good chance that you're thinking of Chaos Construction 000 Dentro by Razzlers.

It's not a speccy demo, it was a dos PC demo but nice one :)

Now I remember the sides of the cube had question marks which were revealed. I also remember having a plasma in one of the effects.
added on the 2013-10-05 12:00:25 by Optimus Optimus
