
Nick change after 19 years. Yes or no?

category: offtopic [glöplog]
I hate my nick, but can't be arsed to change it.

Not that it matters, I never do any scene stuff any more anyway \o/
added on the 2013-03-01 21:04:59 by xeron xeron
added on the 2013-03-01 21:42:30 by SiR SiR
I know some old haired musician who changed from "Moby" to "elmobo" since 15 years or more.

I still call him "Moby".

added on the 2013-03-01 22:00:07 by rez rez
Call yourself Scrotie McBoogerballs and you'll be fine.
added on the 2013-03-01 22:04:56 by trc_wm trc_wm
added on the 2013-03-01 22:15:45 by el mal el mal
"The artist formerly known as Factor 6"
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added on the 2013-03-01 23:20:16 by RbR RbR
Xeron: I think you nick is fine, plus it reminds me of Xenon and Zorgon :)

Factor6: I think you have a very recognizable nick, you should keep it, or if you really want a change then just slightly alter it. It's what I did with 'Dbug' which used to be 'Dbug II' but then I dropped the 'II' because there was a whole pun that did not work when I realized that the english pronunciation was not what I was actually thinking it was :)

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made me realize that I've got this nickname for nearly 30 years :p

Time flies!
added on the 2013-03-01 23:25:30 by Dbug Dbug
What would be the new nickname btw?
added on the 2013-03-01 23:29:30 by wullon wullon
xeron: i quite liked your previous nick in fact :D
added on the 2013-03-02 11:36:47 by reed reed
FuCk7@r 5eX would be a nice option.
You complain! You aren't Arse E55! Doh!

I was thinking it was a sort of play on the word raucous, but alas no, I am cursed with the arse.

You can always call me Ruairi though, if you can pronounce it.
added on the 2013-03-17 12:05:04 by rc55 rc55
Just be thankful your nick is not related to the fact that your anal sphincter hurts when you do a shit after eating lots of chillies. =]
added on the 2013-03-17 13:19:43 by ringofyre ringofyre
Il also felt like changing my nick after this, but finally no, it's well suited... :)
added on the 2013-03-17 18:41:18 by baah baah
^Totes thought that was going to be a screaming goat remix.
added on the 2013-03-17 22:52:11 by ringofyre ringofyre
i also wanted to change my nick, cause venomsoup sounds a bit silly.. so i dropped ze soup since everybody was calling me "venom" anyways.
i'm still not very happy with it, but it's ok.. it's not like i have an idea for a better one anyways.
added on the 2013-03-18 10:59:35 by v3nom v3nom
