
8 bit sound effects

category: music [glöplog]
Hey fellas!

Does anyone know of a resource which has various 8 bit sound effects to be used for games? I need shots, explosions and that kind of stuff, but can barely find something on typical sample archives like freesound.
How about jsfx?
added on the 2013-01-26 12:21:30 by --- ---
Found an even better implementation: http://www.superflashbros.net/as3sfxr/

I am using it, did not mention it, but it is tough, I am not that good at synthesis. But yup, I did some sounds using this. But maybe there is some good library I am not aware of :)
One possibility is to take a tracker for the desired 8-bit chip, produce the effect and then get into a .wav somehow (Some trackers have .wav export, for other's you'll have to record the output)
added on the 2013-01-26 16:32:17 by FreeFull FreeFull
@knl thanks very much for this! looks like an interesting pack. But what about copyrights and such? Many of those sounds, of course, are generic and I can change them a bit anyway.

@Freefull yeah, this is true. If I will fail to find a sound for something, I will probably do just that or study as3sfxr more. I mean, I am no that good at synthesis, but I can get better :)
Blah, seriously, even Timbaland could rip that :)
8-bit? Get a few Soundtracker sample disks off Aminet.
added on the 2013-01-27 10:29:45 by skurk skurk
I'm sure he means 8-bit as a platform, not as a sample resolution (Soundtracker would be running on a 16-bit platform)
Downloaded finally 4Gb of samples by protman. Man, this is fantastic. A lot of music, though, but lots and lots of effects as well. Thanks for this link, knl!
There's something wantonly obscene about downloading 4Gb of material for 8-bit sound effects.
added on the 2013-01-29 08:50:00 by bloodnok bloodnok
Just take whatever sounds, cut them and run them through a bitcrusher?
added on the 2013-01-29 12:12:45 by gloom gloom
Can anyone seed that torrent? ATM utorrent says it's 86.9% available
added on the 2013-01-29 12:17:02 by --- ---
is there one for monster sounds?
added on the 2013-01-30 03:04:28 by eksy eksy
i mean samples are so tedious but generator is awesome
added on the 2013-01-30 03:04:51 by eksy eksy
sfxr is pretty neat
added on the 2013-01-30 07:21:17 by cxnull cxnull
I am seeding the torrent when I can, but I got it pretty fast, people with 100% are usually there.
yeay! there is a .deb package for sfxr! \o/
added on the 2013-01-31 12:38:30 by rez rez
Wow! Installed!
Here is a link to the more usual i386 architecture.
