DemoJS - the browser demoparty - Paris, 29-30 june 2012
category: parties [glöplog]
soon... (tm) (c)
Well, as promised in my DemoJS talk and only a week late... I've just released JSSpeccy version 2 (github). It took a bit longer than expected to stamp out all the emulation bugs, but on the plus side, it now completely passes the unit tests from the Fuse emulator and supports demoish multicolour effects with 99% accuracy. Yay!
WOW gasman!! Great work -- playing Chaos RIGHT NOW!
gasman: awesome!! you could include some more info on what formats it supports. guess only .tap and maybe the .sna you were working on? just tried loading an .scl without much success :p
and its still missing sound :(
Damn you gasman!!! I really didn't need a reprise of the Chaos addiction right now :/ JSpeccy definitely plays it more responsively than Fuse, and that's been enough to fuel a wee habit I'm afraid!
any news where those talks can be viewed online?
wanted to reference some of them in a talk i'm preparing and can't.
wanted to reference some of them in a talk i'm preparing and can't.
Mm sorry for the delay, I'm bumping the topic, I can't give you any date right now.