
interactive demoscene outreach suggestions?

category: offtopic [glöplog]
I remember that I had to disassemble the part to find out what to do
Just like in real life :)
added on the 2012-03-16 12:30:00 by gloom gloom
: D

The one kb and okkie mention was described to me, but I the way I was told it, you lick the diskdrive, not wet your finger. I guess it depends how up close and personal you feel like getting with the c64 in question (insert ref to press play on tape comic bakery, snerk).

I did ask the person who told me about it how he thought they coded it, but he didn't give me an answer. Actually want to look it up, rather odd.
I find myself thinking of testing 9v batteries.

I'm thinking I might set up something with a coder coding in shadertoy or processing, maybe show that video of the fellow coding the apple in realtime, must relocate where I put the link. Going to talk to some other folks who may have a booth, set up a screen, like that. It may not be a fast thing, but introducing people to the idea might work. Like a bicycle clinic, except with demomaking.

Thank you everyone!
How they coded it is easy - the SID has two analog inputs for eg. paddle controllers or analog joysticks which measure resistance and are available at one of the joystick ports (selectable). So when you wet your finger and "use her joyport, honey" there's something going on in these registers. If that happens just start, say, a nice, kid-friendly animation on screen and continue. ;)
added on the 2012-03-16 16:09:01 by kb_ kb_
ah ok. That is so neat. : D

This reminds me of hearing how people break the frame in c64 demos. Same wowza that is cool I get it moment. Followed by "mmm, I wanna!"(although gotta do a lot of research and learn assembler first, yay lack of focus and long orgo todolist)

Getting at things down on the hardware level like that on an oldschool platform is really interesting to me because as someone newer in the learning process it is easier for me to make sense of than great swathes of math I never learned in school (yay! crappy US school systems!) and have to bootstrap myself up to . . .

As for that demo, I'm not going to do that one at the event. More discussions about shadertoy or Quartz or a demotool. Heck, I already have that recently released one set up on the Windowbox in our house (there's only one, the rest are linux boxen) . . .
While this discussion ain't over, Sumotori Dreams is truly interactive... :p
added on the 2012-03-16 16:39:38 by Korguiq Korguiq
well, its a game. I want to emphasize demos. thanks tho.

I do wonder why art festivals and other such things lately have such a hardon for interactivity, but that discussion has been hashed to death already I'm sure, so I won't explore it here.
Probably a bit late, I didn't think of this earlier...
added on the 2012-03-16 21:05:22 by Korguiq Korguiq
