Overlaying Scanlines or applying D3D filters to old windows demos.
category: code [glöplog]
I think I already know the answer to this question, but is there any way to apply scanlines or D3D filters to Windows demos/games?
I love this option in emulators as it really helps soften the pixelated look of those old low res demos/games. I just wish I could find a way to apply the same effects to old Windows demos and games.
I've read that there are devices you can buy that will do this, but I was wondering if there's any way to do it with Nvidia drivers or tweakers, or some software application.
I love this option in emulators as it really helps soften the pixelated look of those old low res demos/games. I just wish I could find a way to apply the same effects to old Windows demos and games.
I've read that there are devices you can buy that will do this, but I was wondering if there's any way to do it with Nvidia drivers or tweakers, or some software application.
Not that I know of, although if all else fails, with the kkapture basecode, it shouldn't be hard to make some code for it.
Already did that - http://www.mudlord.info/crap/re/tools/shaders_binsrc.rar
DLL source code in "SOURCE"
Already did that - http://www.mudlord.info/crap/re/tools/shaders_binsrc.rar
DLL source code in "SOURCE"
I'm surprised it's not something that's more commonly used. I notice the latest version of Winuae has a lot of cool scanline filters and it really makes a positive difference.
Mudlord: Looks interesting. How do I use it?
Mudlord: Looks interesting. How do I use it?
You need to compile it, but you simply place the output DLL into the demo/game directory. Supports D3D9 based only titles currently, maybe someone else can hax it more.
DNS is not resolving for your site here - is everything still up?
resolves here...
must be a server issue. Sadly its a shared server, so issue is on host site. D:
must be a server issue. Sadly its a shared server, so issue is on host site. D:
I don't know if you've tried the newer versions of MAME yet, but if you enable HLSL in your mame.ini file there are some amazing options.
Once enabled in the ini, start up a game, hit tab, and then go to slider controls to get things like scanline jitter options, RGB convergence adjustment, screen curvature, etc. It's both the mutt's nuts and the dog's bollocks, and very very extensive. Plus the source is available.
Once enabled in the ini, start up a game, hit tab, and then go to slider controls to get things like scanline jitter options, RGB convergence adjustment, screen curvature, etc. It's both the mutt's nuts and the dog's bollocks, and very very extensive. Plus the source is available.