
Great Oneliners

category: general [glöplog]
The world may now !
added on the 2011-01-05 21:20:23 by faraday faraday
BB Image
added on the 2011-01-06 08:22:11 by harism harism
anyone has the output of that?
ha nice. have 22 bytes of crap c64 techno:
Code: org = $7c eor $a2 and #$1f tay inc $a1 dec $a2 lda $a2 ora $a1 and #$7f sta $d400,y bvc $7c
added on the 2011-01-06 12:28:40 by 4mat 4mat
anyone has the output of that?

http://www.mimaroglumusicsales.com/artists/hallicrafters+inc..html - click play
added on the 2011-01-06 15:55:38 by --- ---
