
Psychedelic computer animations(Videos)

category: general [glöplog]
I don't know where else to post it so here is the fabulous Psychedelic Computer Animation YouTube video. As mentionned in its infobox it was created by Alan Kapler using Houdini. I found it quite inspiring and very impressive even if the visual effects were not rendered in realtime. I really have to check out that software ! I can see how to code the "gears tunnel" but the 1st shape is just crazy, like moving into a 4D space under some heavy quantic acids, and the fractals are so deep and wonderful. There're tools to generate them but for the moment I had only seen images, mostly on deviantART.

Let's use this topic to share some cool psy videos. Don't hesitate to post all related subjects : Softwares (Apophysis…), why not your favorite deviations, tutorials…

I'm new to this forum so I don't know if I'll receive an email notification if you reply so I'll add this topic to my Firefox (Spread !) bookmark. Also don't hesitate to advice me other forums to discuss these topics because in the past years I've completely lost track of the scene.
added on the 2009-02-15 17:06:28 by goa103 goa103
what about urls to every mid 90s demo/intro out there?
added on the 2009-02-15 17:15:41 by el mal el mal
I don't think that you need a "spread firefox" link nowadays anymore, especially not on pouet...
the first example in the video is really cool
added on the 2009-02-15 17:26:07 by neptun neptun
all that work just to plug a browser?
added on the 2009-02-15 17:27:59 by skrebbel skrebbel
lemme cosign that the first effect in there is the shit, let's see this is realtime
I use opera (Spread !), it doesn't crash so much, and has some cooler features.
added on the 2009-02-15 17:56:40 by xernobyl xernobyl
pirx hinted me to this masterpiece: http://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=52585
added on the 2009-02-15 18:26:08 by el mal el mal
just had a quick look at the spreadthefox page again.. how come the firefox f@h team (team 39299) isn´t mentioned anymore? i was pretty active for them back in the days, but they seem to have forgotten all about it.

the video is pretty fun anyways.
added on the 2009-02-15 19:09:57 by tH4b0Mb tH4b0Mb
