
The GRID account to fight for cancer problem (as UD in pouet)

category: general [glöplog]
This is an old info i'm posting here, but i hadn't noticed pouet encouraged the affiliations to this project...

ok, so now for the one that hadn't noticed this, read the following page:

Patriot !!!

to make it short:
FYI the grid.org distributed computing grid is now being used for a US military -owned "smallpox antidote" project. If you are a member of the grid, which was previously used for a cancer research project, you are _automatically a member of this military project_.

how great;) now think about it. Instead of helping war lovers, just be ecological and save sum power in letting your CPU be idle;)
added on the 2003-06-08 13:00:15 by alkama alkama
Erm, smallpox antidote isn't exactly a very 'military' project, not directly related to war and mass-destruction anyway.
And you can deselect it in your profile on grid.org.
There's a checkbox to select all projects you want to participate in. Just deselect smallpox if you're not interested in it, and put all your CPU effort into the cancer cure.
added on the 2003-06-08 13:48:26 by Scali Scali
All that sucks. My cpu cycles go to seti@home. Hopefully, some cracked-up alien will hear us (we'll hear them first), come here and put this sorry excuse of a planet out of its misery. Good evening gentlemen.

(84 hours and only one cigarette)
added on the 2003-06-09 01:26:52 by moT moT
this cancer thing is all very hyped, they will die anyways, just like the rest of us, no need to spend more money on them that on me. give me your money instead iam a much more elite person than the cancer lamers.
added on the 2003-06-10 01:39:00 by Hatikvah Hatikvah
scali: where is that checkbox?
yo, found it =)
