the "i would like to buy an argument" thread
category: general [glöplog]
no it isn't.
No, no, no!
Hold your head like this, then go "WAAAAAAAAH!!!"
Try it again.
Hold your head like this, then go "WAAAAAAAAH!!!"
Try it again. you are in the wrong thread, you're looking for the Random Getting Beaten on the Head Lessons thread.
No he isn't!
Well that's what SHE said.
It's all about the he said she said bull shit
ja ja, deine Mudder!
xerxes: IT IS!
I think you're all right in a way, but...
but... xrs should be working on chilosophy 4! ;)
"It has an S in it... so it must be a philosopher!"
I told you, you have to pay for an argument