
Demoscene for kids

category: general [glöplog]
I just realized that even though we will die, the demoscene won't :D
added on the 2007-05-28 13:07:20 by Preacher Preacher
added on the 2007-05-29 17:26:51 by wie8 wie8
heh seriously skrebbel isn't wrong, if you happen to project too much ambition or desire or even love at your offspring, they will reject all at one point. Just let them grow up in a lovely and demo-friendly ;) environment and let them choose their happinesses :)
added on the 2007-05-29 20:38:06 by Zest Zest
Nono, he's wrong. Only through dicipline, intense mindcontrol and a subtle reward/punishment-scheme will the future of the demoscene be secure.
added on the 2007-05-29 21:03:50 by Hyde Hyde
Practice doublethink, be rewarded.
added on the 2007-05-30 07:42:54 by gloom gloom
Well, my 2 month old son seems to get in a way better state everytime he hears chiptunes especially SIDs (Seems to be genetic). Otherwise he was kicking in rythm with Chose Zero Polys And Shaders while still in the womb.

Demowise it seems like C64stuff is more interesting than the rest (suppose that is due to the SIDtunes).

He has also developed sense about music in general wich makes us unable to enter any shop that plays lousy music (energy hit music only , rap, latino etc ;).
added on the 2007-05-30 08:49:35 by wix wix
Only through dicipline, intense mindcontrol and a subtle reward/punishment-scheme will the future of the demoscene be secure.

Exactly! I taped my 10 month old niece to my computerscreen and showed her Jumalauta demos for about a week.

Therapy, here she comes!
added on the 2007-05-30 09:08:58 by okkie okkie
As for the main subject, I tried Debris, The Popular Demo, all Traction demos, all Conspiracy demos and almost all of the ASD demos on my little brother (aged 8). He seems quite interested in ALL of them.

I guess he'll like Candytron and the Frauen pausenlos series as well.
My older (5 yo) daughter's current favourite is Debris, and ofcourse anything i code :)
The younger one (2 yo soon) likes anything with a steady bassdrum.
added on the 2007-05-30 15:03:40 by kurli kurli
ohnoes, kurli jr#2 is gabbah!
added on the 2007-05-30 15:06:29 by el mal el mal
rainmaker: "Look darling, daddy can make the particles move!"
added on the 2007-05-30 15:36:49 by gloom gloom
wix man, it's likely that your kid's preferences are shaped mostly by those of yourself and your partner, rather than any innate "common sense" or heredity. Ilari (2002) provides a review of recent research into infant musical preferences and cognition, which makes for interesting reading. For example, Hepper (1991) found that infants respond selectively to music they had heard whilst in the womb with increased heart rate and physical movement. Were you playing SID tunes at your partner's tummy I wonder? ;)

As for what is actually innate and universal, the findings are as follows. Very young infants < 6 months have a more sophisticated pitch perception for low frequency pitches than high (Werner & VandenBos, 1993), but this reverses with ages approaching 6 months. I advocate playing your newborn dub and goa, and switching to Bach's Well Tempered Clavier once they hit that 6 month milestone (at least they'll get a good sonic education). 6 month old Western infants performed relatively equivalently at detecting mistunings in western scales (major, minor tempered scale) and the Javanese Pelog scale (which employs steps that do not always move in semitones). In contrast, 12 month old infants and adults showed better performance for Western scales than for Pelog (Lynch & Eilers, 1992). In other words, some adaptation of pitch perception seems to develop in response to the environment, rather than through an innate musical system. As for the role of harmony - Ilari (2002) notes that the research seems to suggest an infant preference for simple (major, consonant) harmony, repetitive accompaniment and uncomplicated melody. So your child should most probably get easy listening kicks out of happy house, the early classical period and of course the childrens' TV shows you love to hate. Infants and adult non-musicians tend to group sounds into rhythmic figures based on similarity (e.g. pitch, timbre) (Dermany, 1982) or how close together events are in time (Trehub & Thorpe, 1989). The ability to discriminate between rhythms improves with development (Chang and Trehub, 1977).

Without wanting to turn this into a genre flamewar (and granted that I am basing this one one person's review of the research), I would suggest the following. Kids enjoy a steady rhythm and unconvoluted melodies and harmony. Perhaps the very limitations that hardware and space imposes on chiptunes, along with the almost exclusive use of duple time signatures (preferred over other time signatures by infants - Bergeson, 2001) make them so appealing to infants. If I ever have kids, they will definitely get to listen to as much as they want. However, I hope that I have identified some room for development, and you should be wary of the extent to which you affect your kid's attitudes and opinions to other musical cultures. The reason your kid doesn't like latino music at the moment may be in part to do with the use of dominant modal harmony and the complexity of rhythm, as well as to do with observing your reactions when both of you are in a listening situation. Kids also pick up implicit cues from seeing your facial expressions or changes in your tone of voice, so beware! It wasn't until I moved out of my childhood home that I really started understanding the appeal of urban and ethnic styles that seemed to 'grate on the ears' before. Before I cross over into dishing out some sort of advice, I acknowledge that I am many years away from being a father, so I will shut up :)

However I hope that you all find this little research review relevant and interesting. I am sorry that I have little idea of what sort of visual preferences infants have.
added on the 2007-05-30 16:31:10 by forestcre forestcre
