Play Space invaders with your brain
category: general [glöplog]
The next generation xbox and ps don't need any controllers
anymore just plug it into your brain! :)
The next generation xbox and ps don't need any controllers
anymore just plug it into your brain! :)
Sure, what's to stop them from mapping certain brain wave patterns to corresponding game controller buttons?
hello. i must say that this is the most stupid idea i have ever heard of. the only correct thing to plug into your brain is a needle filled with the sweetest crack cocaine ever made on this planet. where can this be found you say. i say in africa. the sweet methlab in south africa. mm.. heroine is great as well, but nothing beats the feeling of cocaine in your head!
Excelent !!!!!
Eska: Speaking of which... link me beautiful
If that's the "next generation xbox", then why is the page called 7800.html? Looks like Fujiyama strikes once again ...
Next console of Microsoft will be called the X-Fantasy. Not only does it save you from those annoying controllers, you don't even need a console anymore! Both input and output are controlled by your brain!!! And that only for a lousy $399!
Next console of Microsoft will be called the X-TC. Not only does it save you from those annoying controllers, you don't even need a console anymore! Both input and output are controlled by your brain!!! And that only for a lousy $3.99 a pill!
In Soviet Russia xbox plays with you!
thats cool!