Warning to UK demosceners
category: general [glöplog]
Remember to get rid of your copies of windows100% with c00l demosh0ck and overture eighteen. Apperantly they're illegal enough to warrant jailtime! Or?
gleb: yesterdays news: uk government is changing policy to not allow people to possess violent sex pictures.
some nutcase with violent sex pictures did something(kill?) to some kid whose mother blames violent sex pictures.
some nutcase with violent sex pictures did something(kill?) to some kid whose mother blames violent sex pictures.
Where does it start to get violent?
sex with weapons or something?
with lobsters?
sex with lara croft
![BB Image](http://localhosted.net/~nitro2k01/images/pigrape.jpg)
![BB Image](http://localhosted.net/~nitro2k01/images/pigrape.jpg)
![BB Image](http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b68/wildcandy79/sex/2d620ad5.jpg)