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category: general [glöplog]
a harsh? nah gargaj, a real old sentence that made us laugh ;)
>we aint all living at dad's and mum's
Not wanting to make a point or anything but just talk and say: Life is worse this way for me ;P
My dad will never give me money for spending on "stupid" computer games that waste my time instead of studying. Nor for buying any software for demomaking that wastes my time in something "useless". Also, as a kid I was prompted by my father to go and buy the illegal copies of CPC games instead of buying the games themselves. Then he didn't agreed letting me make a copy of Dos6.22 for a friend in school, which made my friend burst out of laughter. Heh,. those where the times!
Maybe a job paying me something like 3000E would be more suitable for getting those titles original. Well,. few stuff, I am not a great collector of games and software "gotta have them all" style. I'd just want all the Unreal Tournament series in original, the old Doom titles to buy them in original again and few more stuff. And then those apps? Too expensive. I don't know. Maybe if I only open a company. Else they will be provided by the company I work.
Irrelevant rants..
p.s. They wouldn't even give me some money to go to a foreign demoparty. I am still thinking about BP06 but it's so improbable now. Hopefully I can still go to local parties..
Not wanting to make a point or anything but just talk and say: Life is worse this way for me ;P
My dad will never give me money for spending on "stupid" computer games that waste my time instead of studying. Nor for buying any software for demomaking that wastes my time in something "useless". Also, as a kid I was prompted by my father to go and buy the illegal copies of CPC games instead of buying the games themselves. Then he didn't agreed letting me make a copy of Dos6.22 for a friend in school, which made my friend burst out of laughter. Heh,. those where the times!
Maybe a job paying me something like 3000E would be more suitable for getting those titles original. Well,. few stuff, I am not a great collector of games and software "gotta have them all" style. I'd just want all the Unreal Tournament series in original, the old Doom titles to buy them in original again and few more stuff. And then those apps? Too expensive. I don't know. Maybe if I only open a company. Else they will be provided by the company I work.
Irrelevant rants..
p.s. They wouldn't even give me some money to go to a foreign demoparty. I am still thinking about BP06 but it's so improbable now. Hopefully I can still go to local parties..
>Then he didn't agreed letting me make a copy of Dos6.22 for a friend in school, which made my friend burst out of laughter.
In a contrary to the first sentence that is (Then = Later). The reason was that he sudenly was against letting is go into piracy that time. Also, I remember that those Dos6.22 disks were ALSO coppied from some of his collagues at work! That's why my friend was bursting in laughter!
In a contrary to the first sentence that is (Then = Later). The reason was that he sudenly was against letting is go into piracy that time. Also, I remember that those Dos6.22 disks were ALSO coppied from some of his collagues at work! That's why my friend was bursting in laughter!
>p.s. They wouldn't even give me some money to go to a foreign demoparty.
My parents, not the 3000E job ;)
p.s. I write weird stuff fast and I don't make a clue. The meaning is diferrent from what I wanted to say ;lP
My parents, not the 3000E job ;)
p.s. I write weird stuff fast and I don't make a clue. The meaning is diferrent from what I wanted to say ;lP
you can do things behind your parents back you know...
I did few small thing sometimes when I was a kid but I was preety much anxious (me to skato stin kaltsa) after doing these things. Now, I am not much, I don't care much but I am still pissed off. Perhaps I could just keep that 100E money they gave me (they are in Cyprus now for 5 days) and make a fast travel to Nightshift just for fun without them knowing, haha that would be very funny and adventurous (but I think they are not enough for going there and having also something to eat?). But such stuff still give me the creeps if they know. I know life sucks..
And I also spend half of them ;P
don't copy that floppy faggots!
and Optimus should be at BP, period!
and Optimus should be at BP, period!
Shifter is boring, so lets pretend he does not exist.