
Disco Demos

category: general [glöplog]
I want to make a list of demos with music that has a disco theme to it.... suggestions?
added on the 2004-08-05 17:57:38 by legalize legalize

and, of coz...


hope you enjoy it (specially the last one xd)
inf - pornographic !!!
added on the 2004-08-05 18:12:14 by el mal el mal

Boogie down.
added on the 2004-08-05 19:35:45 by superplek superplek
(teh tedeteteeh) YES,
added on the 2004-08-05 19:37:52 by skrebbel skrebbel
Some I know about:
moai / nomad
toypusher / purple
added on the 2004-08-05 21:09:25 by legalize legalize
Don't forget the demo which was downloaded more than 300000 times. ;)
added on the 2004-08-06 00:49:16 by kusma kusma
Let us not forget this masterpiece :-)
added on the 2004-08-06 03:05:25 by moT moT
cns - saturday night scener
fr - the popular demo
added on the 2004-08-06 12:15:39 by el mal el mal
sexadelic by byterapers!

added on the 2004-08-06 12:17:19 by rp rp
sir RICHARD kbab: Unfortunately I don't have any machines capable of running any of those MS-DOS/gus demos.

Comments on others:
audio video disco / scoopex - exits immediately on my machine without doing anything
dbug disco / defence force - ok, but not impressive
discoranger doublemint / unik - nice, fits the theme
pornographic / inf - sweet!
discotheque / deus ex machina - music doesn't fit the theme I'm after
saturday night scener / conspiracy - music is almost too modern sounding for my theme, but it fits in style for sure
fr-025: the.popular.demo / farb-rausch - totally fits. I can't believe I haven't watched this before?!?
just a touch of funk / digital murder - a great demo, but more funky than disco. I'm on the fence on whether or not it fits the theme.
sexadelic / byterapers - definately fits the theme
SuperNecroFashion / NecroStudios - anyone got a working download link?

Any others?
added on the 2004-08-06 19:51:16 by legalize legalize
the evoke invtro by Equinox (tho, that can also be a gay theme, dunno :P)
added on the 2004-08-06 21:59:35 by el mal el mal
maali: looking under the group name Equinox doesn't show anything obvious; what's it called?
added on the 2004-08-06 22:19:40 by legalize legalize
'kings of the playground' or sumthing
added on the 2004-08-06 23:38:34 by el mal el mal
Hmm... sorta discoey; I had watched that before and it didn't pop to mind as one that fit the theme.
added on the 2004-08-06 23:54:13 by legalize legalize
legalize: no problem, neither do i.
added on the 2004-08-07 11:13:03 by skrebbel skrebbel
Major Release has some italo reminiscence in it.
added on the 2004-08-08 15:41:29 by vesuri vesuri
vesuri: I don't have any Amigas anymore (I used to have an A1000, but got rid of it)
added on the 2004-08-08 23:38:31 by legalize legalize
