wigwam kraak
category: general [glöplog]
..or something like it. Does anyone know where I found this expression / name? Or is it something I invented in my sorry little head?
Google finds nothing on the topic.
It's gotten stuck in my head for some reason. At this point, I don't know if it's something I read on the web, an idea for a demo name, or something I've read in a scrolltext.
I wonder if I'll ever find out. Help!
Google finds nothing on the topic.
It's gotten stuck in my head for some reason. At this point, I don't know if it's something I read on the web, an idea for a demo name, or something I've read in a scrolltext.
I wonder if I'll ever find out. Help!
it's dutch for 'wigwam (tipi) crackle'
you are probably crazy... go see a shrink (or a hooker, same price, more satisfaction)
you are probably crazy... go see a shrink (or a hooker, same price, more satisfaction)
als ie maar geen boze indianen achter zich aan krijgt!
Said the indian at the immigration office: "But we had reservations".
de kraakbeweging houdt zich niet bezig met wigwams/wigwammen voorzover ik weet