
Function 2023 - 2023 Sept 8-10 - Budapest, Hungary

category: parties [glöplog]
added on the 2022-10-25 14:46:39 by TrX TrX
Our invite (YT_link) was released at Revision 2023 (thx for yet another Easter Party! <3 ). Enjoy! ;-)
added on the 2023-04-12 11:18:55 by Maugli Maugli
You can find the ticket info here. If you can't make it, but still want to support (and vote), you can buy an E-Function ticket.

If you plan to come, you can register here. (Not mandatory, but your nickname will be on the Function 2023 page! Cool, eh?)
added on the 2023-09-02 16:11:12 by TrX TrX


Viti DJ-Set
Amiga on a-SID! Amiga demoscene and game music covered on C64, presented to you by Viti

Outside DJ : Detox, Bacter, Blala

Music competition

Outside DJ : Detox, Bacter, Blala

Game development, Photo, Freestyle, Handdrawn and Oldschool graphics

tea and bass with lug00ber

Componight part 1
Wild demo/Animation, Oldschool demo, 256byte intro

Retroid DJ Set

Componight part 2
4kb intro, 64kb intro, Demo

Vote counting
DJ : Teo b2b lug00ber four to the floor

Prizegiving ceremony
added on the 2023-09-09 12:12:08 by tFt tFt
Was a good party, nice weekend in Budapest meeting nice people :)
Hopefully I'll get to come back to Budapest for another demoparty in the future!
added on the 2023-09-10 18:07:37 by lug00ber lug00ber
First of all I would like to thank you for the great party. The atmosphere was great and you organizers did a great job!

Unfortunately, it's also time for an updated version of the Walk of Shame. My scratchy throat today has unfortunately turned out to be covid. So for those of you who have been talking to me, it might make sense to get tested as well.

I hope I haven't infected anyone. And if I did, I'm really very sorry.
added on the 2023-09-11 18:53:08 by Madame Madame
I hope I haven't infected anyone. And if I did, I'm really very sorry.

✋ 🤒
added on the 2023-09-13 09:06:57 by Gargaj Gargaj
wonderful party, even better than the ones before. lovely and friendly people, amazing weather. big thanks to everyone who made this one such a success!

it's really awesome that Function ended on a high note, but for me, it still feels surreal that this was the last one.

on another issue, zero covid for me (even after non-stop hugging and talking to 50+ people), but we all know there is always a risk when visiting an event like this, especially due to latest spike in numbers. hope that it's a mild one and whoever got it will recover quickly and without any issues or complications.
added on the 2023-09-13 15:46:01 by bonefish bonefish
Very nice party indeed.

My coronavirus test came out positive as well after Function. So if you were there and especially if we talked, please test yourself and isolate if you have symptoms or a positive test.
added on the 2023-09-14 14:01:59 by Procyon Procyon
Guys, I’m on the way to Budapest right now. Can you recommend some demoscene-related places there? Something like museum of computer art or computer history, retro-gaming shop or market, things like that.
added on the 2025-02-20 13:23:20 by Manwe Manwe
- Museum#1: Flippermúzeum: https://flippermuzeum.hu/en/main-page/
- Museum#2: https://lam.xyz/
- Museum#3: https://cinemamystica.net/
- Bar#1: Vault 51 Bar: https://www.vault51gamerbar.hu/
- Bar#2: BarCraft pubs: https://barcraft.hu/nyugati/
- Shop#1: Konzol játék (retro games shop /// 1135 Budapest, Szt. István krt. 10.): https://konzol-jatek.hu/
- Shop#2 You can also find retro stuff here (weekends only) : https://www.facebook.com/bakancsospiac.rakoskeresztur/
- Shop#3 Or here (weekends only): https://www.facebook.com/budaizsibvasar/
- Event#1: https://www.facebook.com/events/469827299314690/
- Event#2: https://www.facebook.com/events/1096550638886435/
added on the 2025-02-20 16:55:11 by netro netro
Thank you a lot, netro!
May be some disco party at Friday night that you can recommend? What about Morrison’s club?
I’m looking for jazzy house, funk, disco, retrowave, Amiga style (just kidding) :)
added on the 2025-02-20 20:48:53 by Manwe Manwe
yeah, no. just forget about morrison's :)

turbina looks good for friday night, not sure about the genre marching, but based on the lineup there is a probability of some disco
added on the 2025-02-21 02:40:21 by blala blala
Cinema Mystica looks cool. But everything is in the dark, and after 20 minutes it became a little bit depressive. What I like about demoscene, you can watch demos in the daylight.
added on the 2025-02-21 13:42:41 by Manwe Manwe
Just in case you'd stay until the end of next week, I recommend visiting us at BPMicro chiptune and electro music event:
added on the 2025-02-22 18:03:43 by vincenzo vincenzo
