
Warez-Release-Overview (1995-2000)

category: offtopic [glöplog]
Hi, I am searching an overview of the warez-releases from 1995-2000 from all active groups in that time-period. Perhaps the files are somewhere too. Don't get me wrong I own lots of original software, but I like the rip-games more because they are easy to install and do work great, especially if I can choose to install later addons like video/music that these warezgroups have released too. Greetings Doc
Sorry, this is a demoscene only website.
added on the 2019-07-24 15:02:56 by okkie okkie
No illegal warez here, sorry buddy.
We only share demoscene productions. Do take a look: they are awesome :)
added on the 2019-07-24 15:11:23 by numtek numtek
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added on the 2019-07-24 15:14:40 by g0blinish g0blinish
ok, if anyone has an idea he/she/it can use dr.zeissler at gmx de

I think I found the right thing, but I have to find out how to get the DB up and running, so I can read the informations within. I currently do not have any type of sql-software running on my machine :(
added on the 2019-07-28 10:54:47 by kRiZ^cMz kRiZ^cMz
or check nforce... if that still exists
added on the 2019-07-28 14:31:27 by el mal el mal
archive.org has lots of warez-cd's like "twilight-series" and other stuff. I found lots of great games for my p200mmx. archive.org is fantastic!
How does that fit your question for an overview?
added on the 2019-07-29 14:00:23 by lynn lynn
Amazing :)
added on the 2019-07-30 19:29:29 by kRiZ^cMz kRiZ^cMz
the intikazaaaah, western infidels!
added on the 2019-07-30 21:50:14 by el mal el mal
How does that fit your question for an overview?
I simply check out what was released. If I like it, I keep it.
that kazzaa...warez is GREAT :)
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added on the 2019-07-31 22:02:36 by wertstahl wertstahl
