
Need a Windows laptop recommendation (for demo development)

category: offtopic [glöplog]
Imo they are absolutely overpriced craputers for yuppie hipsters that don't need F-Keys or USB ports and never want to upgrade they harddrive space. In 2 years you just throw the thing away or connect a USB harddrive. It makes me sad that people actually still buy their stuff. They run out of ideas and thus try to be revolutionary by "designing away" a headphone jack. Yay Apple.

Actually they are pretty good laptops that can last a very long time. I was a hater too but being forced for work to use it for a few years I can honestly say that they are great laptops.

But yeah, it is of course easier to generalize people like you did so you do not have to think one second.
added on the 2016-11-16 15:37:18 by Rob Rob
haha.. SagaMusix... i was recently having a discussion about those and was wondering if there was a better word than 'klitmuis' for it because we didn't know any... thanks for clearing that up ;)
added on the 2016-11-16 18:09:46 by el mal el mal
But yeah, it is of course easier to generalize people like you did so you do not have to think one second.

I've actually thought about buying a 13" MacBook a couple of times. The hardware's not bad, but then again, just what I said...
added on the 2016-11-16 19:07:53 by raer raer

I have a http://www.aorus.com/Product/Features/X3%20Plus%20v5 which I'm totally happy with. Small, and with really great performance. Not much to complain about.

In case it helps someone:

I had the Aorus x3+ (v1 or v3 version), and while the performances were really great, the build quality doesn't work for me (if I believe the first message, it's a bit like Alienware).

I wanted to use it on the go (also, I'm not the most careful person) and it just didn't do the job at all (compared to Vaio/Lenovo/Macbook), I was disappointed.

It works well as a "desktop replacement you can move from time to time" though.
added on the 2016-11-16 23:25:14 by wullon wullon
