Pleas help me retreiving my holidaypics!
category: general [glöplog]
I accidently erased my holidayphotos from my Nokia-phone. I can find deleted files on the memorycard, but I do not get into the internal memory of the phone itself. Anyone who knows the trick and how to "undelete"?
Hey w00t! Try this - used it before on an external drive successfully. Should be the same if you plug your phone into the 'pute and choose "mass storage" and then use either testdisk or photorec on that drive.
Good luck you silly goose ;P
Good luck you silly goose ;P
Doesn't work. It just finds the card, not the internal Phone-memory...
Furry muff. Only other suggestion I have is go to the ovi store and download a filemanager and see if you can't open that to see the memory and copy anything you can to a card.
3720c Not found... What ashame.
Anyway, thanks for your help Ringo!
Anyway, thanks for your help Ringo!