
Outline 2013

category: parties [glöplog]
Truck is off my sofa, we'll be ready aaaany minute now...
added on the 2013-05-09 14:43:54 by Shifter Shifter
will watch on the internet when iam back home =)
i guess its not too watchable on the internet
added on the 2013-05-09 15:04:35 by the_Ye-Ti the_Ye-Ti
http://www.opentopia.com/webcam/9383 - here's a stream of the party!
added on the 2013-05-09 15:41:04 by el mal el mal
YAY! Most stable and awesome stream EWAH!
added on the 2013-05-09 20:43:02 by maytz maytz
Tell Dwarf that he has stuff to dowload, if it is even possible at the remote location ;)
added on the 2013-05-09 22:25:00 by Puryx Puryx
nice webcam, even with roundabout.
added on the 2013-05-10 11:35:27 by bulb@ bulb@
puryx: im going there tomorrow. i could possibly bring a file or 2 if thats helpful.
added on the 2013-05-10 13:29:56 by superplek superplek
Space Operator \\o
added on the 2013-05-10 13:36:36 by the_Ye-Ti the_Ye-Ti
superplek: seems like he got the file already - but thanks! :)
added on the 2013-05-10 13:39:33 by Puryx Puryx
BB Image

added on the 2013-05-10 17:43:44 by tFt tFt
Jennifer is STIIIIL SOOOOOOOOOOO looking forward to that KAAACK!
BB Image

nammenamm me schwanz
added on the 2013-05-10 17:46:01 by tFt tFt
er så godt me pikk atte....hjææælp
added on the 2013-05-10 17:46:41 by tFt tFt
Don't think there's scenesat-streaming from here, but here's my entry for the executable music compo
added on the 2013-05-10 20:08:05 by Punqtured Punqtured
added on the 2013-05-10 20:11:05 by el mal el mal
MMmmmmm ... snaps ... OF DOOM!
added on the 2013-05-10 20:16:37 by Punqtured Punqtured
here's my entry link as well. low quality, but i left the correct entry on my desktop at home xd
darklite blog has an internal server error. :(
Knoeki OWNS the house right now! Wohooo! \o/
added on the 2013-05-11 20:04:28 by Punqtured Punqtured
less singing, more aggressive dance moves!
added on the 2013-05-11 20:09:30 by dwarf dwarf
Says the guy not moving to the beats right now!
added on the 2013-05-11 20:21:17 by D.Fox D.Fox
I sure hope they find my 128-byte intro submission (submitted looong after the deadline, as usual)
added on the 2013-05-11 21:28:08 by rrrola rrrola
new intro by rrrola? <3 <3
submitted looong after the deadline, as usual

On behalf of the compo team: bad move :)
added on the 2013-05-11 22:42:36 by Alpha C Alpha C
