
"Go to Pouet, but not to the BBS"

category: offtopic [glöplog]
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Err, what? ;)
added on the 2012-08-21 19:04:31 by tomaes tomaes
Also, congrats on missing the point entirely: it's not like there isn't information on the internet about the demoscene -- that's pretty well established -- it's that there is a problem of where to send people when you can point them somewhere of your choosing.
added on the 2012-08-21 19:05:38 by gloom gloom
Well this has derailed so bad, is it FUBAR?

Assuming enough entries, how about separate Rookie and Veteran compos for Assembly/Revision 2013? Well, or more like you flag your entry which of the 2 you'd prefer if there's a huge number of entries.

May also help with compo-studio confusion when people just watched 15+ in a row.
added on the 2012-08-21 19:06:15 by Inertia Inertia
gloom: That last sentence does not compute, bolding three words made it even more confusing. What _is_ your point, exactly? You want to do what exactly?
added on the 2012-08-21 19:15:24 by tomaes tomaes
gloom is right and it has been said and said and said and said and said and said and said and we keep saying the same things over and over.

So, what is step 2?

potentially good suggestion Inertia, but that suggestion was made before and shot down.

suggestion: those interested in this get together and do that. "engaging the community" doesn't appear to be doing anything. as said umpteen times, I'm up for helping whatever form it takes as I have said before.


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if you need to point ppl to websites during outreaching, you're better off printing a brochure! :P
added on the 2012-08-21 19:47:16 by el mal el mal
If i know only little about the demoscene and want to become involved, i wouldn't want to be sent to a database. it would overwhelm me and i wouldn't know where to start. I would like to visit a site that answers my very first questions in a clear and understandable way, like:
- What exactly do the people do in demoscene? What is the history (all only in a summation)
- What should i ask myself before throwing me into something and probably get disappointed (like, do i want to code, make gfx, music etc and what system. what are my skills, how much time am i willing to invest etc.)
- Where can i find startup tutorials / common software / help
- Where and how do i get in touch with demosceners
- What are those different platforms about and what do they offer (pouet, bitfellas, demozoo, scenesat plus those many demoscene sites)

Those are the things that came to my mind first. And everything should have a brief explanation and link to the respective source of course.
I wouldn't want to be overwhelmed by information that may or not be so specific that a starter gets the feeling "i will never ever get to that point".
added on the 2012-08-21 19:52:46 by CONS CONS
Some people are dense as fuck and don't read ANY posts, but their own. </thread>
added on the 2012-08-21 19:57:14 by tomaes tomaes
This then?!
added on the 2012-08-21 19:57:33 by elend elend
tomaes: I'm sorry, but I don't really know how else to say what I've already said many times.

if you need to point ppl to websites during outreaching, you're better off printing a brochure! :P
Maali: you mean like the German outreach guys? :) You say "outreaching" like it's a long process linked to a physical event or something. More often than not, you need somewhere to send people when a conversation nears its end -- be it on Facebook or at a conference somewhere; doesn't matter.
added on the 2012-08-21 20:44:59 by gloom gloom
oh god not outreaching again.
added on the 2012-08-21 21:42:01 by 4mat 4mat
Welcome to the bakery scene, please make sure to read this Wikipedia entry to make sure you know where bakery stems from. We're not doing any illegal cookie baking anymore, but yeah - these are our roots.

We like cakes that resemble certain mathematical formulas, the beginner do cube shaped ones - that's okay if they do it with their own style..

Bakeries don't have outreach, they might offer training, or fares - we have demoparties and contests were anyone can take part.

Might be a moot point, but do we really need to reach out in the age of searchengines? I for one started to get really interested by watching the demoscene.tv NSV stream every night with a friend, and later found Pouet on my own. Actually was quite relieved that people here are as silly as me, and still have deep discussions - like this one :)

What exactly do the people do in demoscene? What is the history (all only in a summation)

Wikipedia explains just that.

What should i ask myself before throwing me into something and probably get disappointed (like, do i want to code, make gfx, music etc and what system. what are my skills, how much time am i willing to invest etc.)

You want to get into the bakery scene? What do you ask yourself? Maybe that you brush up your skills, by watching what others do. How do they do the topping? Could you improve it? Maybe? Then take part in a contest, be at the place - meet other bakers.

Where can i find startup tutorials / common software / help

Displayhack, StackOverflow, Processing,... SearchEngine

Where and how do i get in touch with demosceners

Don't touch them, or you die - like the one who touched the beamer.

What are those different platforms about and what do they offer (pouet, bitfellas, demozoo, scenesat plus those many demoscene sites)

Lurk more?

Sorry couldn't resist to answer those. Questions themselves seem to staged for me, the only question I've been asked twice could be answered with reassurance: "Yeah, you should take part in $compo - and see what happens."
added on the 2012-08-21 21:54:00 by mog mog
@tomaes - "Hi, Dr Nick."
@metoikos - you're gonna make Koeneki mad!
added on the 2012-08-21 22:17:53 by ringofyre ringofyre
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Did someone say "derail"?
added on the 2012-08-21 23:33:42 by Tjoppen Tjoppen
Where the fuck were you guys when you're needed?
added on the 2012-08-21 23:50:37 by ringofyre ringofyre
Well, since apparently Gargaj doesn't mind...

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added on the 2012-08-21 23:53:57 by Tomoya Tomoya
I'd say make a demo about the balls, but there are enough of those already...
added on the 2012-08-21 23:57:02 by FreeFull FreeFull
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added on the 2012-08-21 23:59:54 by Tjoppen Tjoppen
how funny...
added on the 2012-08-22 09:24:52 by xeNusion xeNusion
So, maybe we should just put all source of Pouet somewhere so people can work on it together?
added on the 2012-08-22 09:43:03 by okkie okkie
okkie wins :)
added on the 2012-08-22 09:46:19 by D.Fox D.Fox
There you have it, there's absolutely nothing wrong with pouet!

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FWIW I've pushed the Oneliner Encoding thingamob for Chrome to the repository with an ambitious name.

Turns this*
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To this*
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*sans the heart
added on the 2012-08-25 16:59:46 by mog mog
And ported to Userscript, also made a pull request to p01s repo.
I've only tested this on FFx 14.0.1 and it works, have fun :)

Oneliner Unicode Fix
added on the 2012-08-25 18:30:11 by mog mog
The chrome extension works only on pouet.net, would be good if it worked on www.pouet.net as well ;)
added on the 2012-08-25 18:43:13 by Tomoya Tomoya
