
freedom of speech? hell no.

category: general [glöplog]
Yes, so instead of crying that LiS has the merit to stay people should just chill the fuck out and let BITS do their thing and ignore it if they don't like it. So this shitstorm will not end in the taking down of a ton of decent productions off Pouet. (look at those linguistics! Goddamn I own!)

I think solo2 is a hilariously delusional child, but he has every right to do his thing, fuck the haters!
added on the 2009-02-22 15:06:34 by okkie okkie
added on the 2009-02-22 15:07:46 by Gargaj Gargaj
so.. a http://noob.pouet.net where the comments and bbs are commented out from the pages, newcomers will love it and not be scared away! problem solved!
added on the 2009-02-22 15:09:01 by el mal el mal
i thought pouet represents a community, not the believes and preferences of some oligocratic bunch that see themselves a spokesperson on behalf of everyone, be it because of some affiliation with some outreach project or the fact this person releases annually 2 demos more than average joe. it does a pretty good job at representing the community as it is, to be honest, with all its quirks, depths, heights and pictures of nazis sucking donkeycocks.
added on the 2009-02-22 15:15:14 by el mal el mal
...but if that's true, is pouet a demoscene community site or is pouet just something that was originally intended to be demoscene-centric and then just drifted off into penises?
added on the 2009-02-22 15:27:00 by Gargaj Gargaj
Well, that all depends on the community right? I guess penises are part of it, if you like it or not.

But hey, you can always try to shape it into something more marketable! It's not that there already are sites that try this and have far less visitors...
added on the 2009-02-22 15:30:48 by okkie okkie
pouet represents a community

please lord, have mercy on this poor man's soul, for he is ill-informed, delusional, and probably norwegian as well!
added on the 2009-02-22 15:31:02 by havoc havoc
Or you can debate about the fact that 'some are ruining it for everybody >:(' but I'm afraid that we then get into 'the scene is dead' territory. I guess the Internet-demoscene is much more focused around genitalia than then 'demoparty-scene' which is more focused around feces and crappy one-liners.
added on the 2009-02-22 15:32:59 by okkie okkie
i'm not interested in marketability or visitor counts, it just pisses me off when people talk about pouet like something that's not worth anyone's attention.
added on the 2009-02-22 15:47:16 by Gargaj Gargaj
and besides, what the fuck is "oligocratic"
added on the 2009-02-22 15:51:59 by Gargaj Gargaj
it's my new invention for mistyping oligarchic :) well, i hear people talk about bitfellas that it aint worth anyone's attention either, not because it's full with shit, au contraire, but that it's a boring 'happy birthday'-forum.. if that's the route one wants to go with pouet... blargh!

havoc: alright, it is an outlet for a (big?) group of this community called demoscene is what i meant with that, including yourself ;)
added on the 2009-02-22 16:06:35 by el mal el mal
no i havent misunderstood you, i know perfectly well that you and brother gloom are on a holy crusade to champion the cause of the innocent the helpless the powerless demoscene. the annoying part is that you couldnt rest after you got your hands on scene.org but you have to continue to make everything follow your own internal agenda. what is the problem? really, cant you just get a real job like all others and see pouet for what it really is.
added on the 2009-02-22 16:15:45 by Hatikvah Hatikvah
maali: bitfellas also provides interesting news about the former german amiga swapping scene, and i'm not a communist despite what you claim :)
added on the 2009-02-22 16:15:57 by havoc havoc

What exactly is anyone complaining about anyway?

People, we're currently in the big Pre-Easter-Party hole that's been plaguing the scene for about 20 years now. That's fucking all. Just wait two months and the "flood" of BITS productions will suddenly be drowned out by the hundreds of other things that get released, as well as the discussions which will be replaced by more constructive things again.

And seriously, Pouet is good as it is. Have you complainers even taken a look at the BBS? "Newcomers are bullied/scared away"? What planet are you coming from, really? There have been lots of serious, constructive threads in the last months, many of them opened by people who haven't been active before, and they all went pretty well. Of course the relative lack of activity compared to the various image threads makes the serious ones slip off the front page, but people still managed to find them and participate. Now that's weird, isn't it.

You guys are blowing a nonexistent thing way out of proportion here. Chill, really.
added on the 2009-02-22 16:23:06 by kb_ kb_
Amy Diamond: I might be wrong, but isn't Gargaj just trying to figure out the general consensus around here? so that he can tweek things to make Pouet better for the majority?

Gloom on the other hand appears to want a scene which is a politically correct, sterile, polished vehicle fit for commercial interests.... :P
added on the 2009-02-22 16:24:16 by button button
KB_: you have ULTIMATE leading
added on the 2009-02-22 16:25:49 by button button
Amy Diamond: I might be wrong, but isn't Gargaj just trying to figure out the general consensus around here? so that he can tweek things to make Pouet better for the majority?

gargaj is driven solely by his internal agenda. due to this he can take it more chill in discussions and use rhetoric for a longer time. gargaj has also before added censorship to pouet without the consensus of the pouetusers. if this was a mistake or a proof that gargajs coding speed are so slow he has to wait a couple of months before enforcing his own ideas on pouet i dont know.
added on the 2009-02-22 16:30:34 by Hatikvah Hatikvah
kebby: word.
added on the 2009-02-22 16:53:29 by v3nom v3nom
You guys are blowing a nonexistent thing way out of proportion here. Chill, really.

thats what i've been trying to say for like, 5 times. furthermore i agree with pouet/scene.org becoming puppets of someone's agenda. not really a problem for me, but if one would really need to pick out something and complain about it: let it be that.

not some, once again, irrelevant prodspamflood.
added on the 2009-02-22 16:55:49 by superplek superplek
(agree with stefan, that is)
added on the 2009-02-22 16:56:13 by superplek superplek
I guess the demoscene evangelists feel embarassed after their so important outreach meetings when pouet reveals that the scene isnt completely filled with technical genuises who make amazing productions, but mostly consists of simple people doing simple stuff, if anything, when not posting offending pictures.

The bbs has already been cleansed from most of the eccentrics who made pouet what it was, but atleast there is enough hypocrisy so that a few approved people can go on and interrupt discussions with insults and stupid pictures without any consequences, as always.

If you want a moderated and dead site that doesnt make you look bad in front of the industry, go give bitfellas a make over.
added on the 2009-02-22 17:30:28 by hollowman hollowman
and besides, what the fuck is "oligocratic"

That word makes perfect sense from where I'm standing ;)
added on the 2009-02-22 17:51:33 by --- ---
Gloom on the other hand appears to want a scene which is a politically correct, sterile, polished vehicle fit for commercial interests.... :P

Now you're just being a fucking idiot.

furthermore i agree with pouet/scene.org becoming puppets of someone's agenda.

I really hate that people cannot make an extra effort without being accused of "stealing" something. Standard response? "The scene isn't yours! Stop selling it!" -- really inspiring for those who try to go the extra mile, eh?

I guess the demoscene evangelists feel embarassed after their so important outreach meetings when pouet reveals that the scene isnt completely filled with technical genuises who make amazing productions, but mostly consists of simple people doing simple stuff, if anything, when not posting offending pictures.

If you'll rephrase that to "it would be nice if the site people are talking about doesn't immediately offend everybody visiting it, when they came to find demos" then you're correct.

"Newcomers are bullied/scared away"? What planet are you coming from, really?

The planet that actually deals with people not already involved with the scene. :)

There have been lots of serious, constructive threads in the last months, many of them opened by people who haven't been active before, and they all went pretty well.

Yeah, the BBS has really taken a turn for the better for the last two months, I really love that. Oddly enough, that started happening after Gargaj found his ban-hammer and made good use of it. The only problem I see with the BBS is what you said about not getting front-page attention for those threads. I know people like to assign things that aren't there to things being said on the internet, but nobody is really talking about moderation or leaving the BBS dead as a dodo. Just small things, like perhaps setting up some categories so that the random image thread doesn't get the same front-page priority as, say, things posted in "Coding" or "Cool inspirational stuff", that sort of thing.
added on the 2009-02-22 17:56:36 by gloom gloom
gloom: i think you just proved our point. really. now go fuck off to bitfellas already.
added on the 2009-02-22 18:02:25 by Hatikvah Hatikvah
"it would be nice if the site people are talking about doesn't immediately offend everybody visiting it, when they came to find demos"

You do realize that the offensive stupidity is also a part of the scene, since we have this discussion once every odd month. People that come here to get more acquainted with the scene might as well realize the juvenile bullshit is a part of it. You can ban every single person that the management doesn't seem fit to post, but you know that someone else will stand up and do the same.

Free Shane!
Free Zest!
added on the 2009-02-22 18:04:46 by okkie okkie
