
My demo scene sellout

category: general [glöplog]
This is the bestest thing ever produced on pouet!
<3 sirdan okkie pro skrebbel <3
added on the 2005-06-15 09:05:37 by quisten quisten

Don't reply like a poor man, reply like a very wise one:


next one:
btw, if you think i need a life : i just want to say i've not a girlfriend because i allready have a wife and we wait our 1st baby, but i continue to create realtime productions even if i have few time to do demos.
The correct reply is something like "STFU and get a live n00b!!!"

For the rest, there are really nice pics but all those feelings of love, harmony and a better world make me wanna puke. Perfect stuff for the plot of a cheap movie, I'd really like to go to the cinema for that one. I'm sure the end will be something with weapons or a wild chase. Or a wild chase with weapons. :)
haha :)
added on the 2005-06-15 09:51:50 by prost prost
Is Stefanie also reading this thread?
added on the 2005-06-15 12:30:03 by Adok Adok
how else can one describe the little unexpected surpises a gf brings into your life. things that let you realise that there is more than computers. i mean hugs and kisses, short messages, love letters and that.

Obviously,i'm happy that you're in love.

But i find these words a bit offensive....

Why do you think that we don't know love?
I mean,this is your first real relation...not ours.

I know that there is more than computers...i had several GFriends.

But, like she loves shoes and clothes and so on...i love computers,electro music and so on.

I respect myself. Love is important...but isn't ALL.
added on the 2005-06-15 13:35:19 by orb orb
orb: Roger Glover does NOT agree with you!!!

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added on the 2005-06-15 13:38:23 by okkie okkie
"STFU and get a live n00b!!!"

They sell live n00bs in Germany?!
added on the 2005-06-15 14:05:49 by Shifter Shifter
orb: i didn't write this about you as a person. Why do you think I believe that you don't know love? C'mon share the love. I was writing about me and my situation. In english the word 'you' can be used to explain a usual/common situation. Just like 'one', which doesn't always describe a number. Like one doesn't always know what it means. You seem to try to project everything I said on yourself. For me this is a new field and a new experience. Which doesn't mean that I lost my brain. One (I could also write: You) can't image how lucky I am. Time is running a lot faster than ever before.
added on the 2005-06-15 14:14:44 by sirdan sirdan

buy her this stuff! :)

and make us the richest demogroup on earth. yeah, we have girls, and we sell their underwear :)

maybe you could also buy some fancy lingerie from us for you... she would like you more then. SURELY! ;)))
added on the 2005-06-15 14:27:13 by prost prost
They sell live n00bs in Germany?!

well, ofcourse they do. what`s the point in getting a dead one? no fun at all..
added on the 2005-06-15 14:42:47 by madMixx madMixx
recorded noobs make less mistakes
added on the 2005-06-15 14:43:21 by okkie okkie
besides. doesnt he have a thought for our feelings?
he's happy to spend time with us for years, and then as soon as this woman comes along he ditches us. *sniff*
is that all we were to him - some cheap fling until something better comes along? lets kick him to the curb!
added on the 2005-06-15 14:55:59 by smash smash
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added on the 2005-06-15 15:06:28 by madMixx madMixx
remark a) - regarding to the text she left on the billboard: i doubt that teenage partnerships last too long. :)

remark b) - okkie: LOL.
added on the 2005-06-15 15:06:28 by rp rp
added on the 2005-06-15 15:11:33 by el mal el mal
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added on the 2005-06-15 15:11:55 by el mal el mal
dear sirdan,

we, and the whole demoscene family, are really happy to hear that you have a girlfriend now. we, the BUENZLI organizers, can not understand why you want to quit n' forget a whole decade of your live. therefore we want to encourage you to continue your scene activities, maybe your girl will get also interested in the fantastic productions of the demoscene.

don't forget us. why don't you simply join us at BUENZLI this summer? we want to invite you and your girlfriend to our party this summer. FOR FREE. this would be a great opportunity to show your girl where your passion comes from. and you could celebrate her birthday with all your scene friends.

unlock, for the buenzli orga team. www.buenz.li
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added on the 2005-06-15 17:05:41 by unlock unlock
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added on the 2005-06-15 17:10:17 by shadez shadez
herr danny t. ,wir freuen uns alle riesig ueber ihre aufkeimende beziehung!
nichtsdestotrotz waer es besser wenn sie ihr haeusliches drama in einem eigenen blog verarbeiten, da ich mich ansonsten gezwungen sehe meinen wohlgeformten hintern die 400m zu ihrer wohnung zu bewegen um ihnen fix ihre schnalle auszuspannen und dieses pinke drama schnell zu beenden bevor jemand (wir leser) allzusehr leiden muss.

mit freundlichen gruess mr. S. aus H. an der S.

added on the 2005-06-15 17:20:25 by xeNusion xeNusion
added on the 2005-06-15 17:21:02 by xeNusion xeNusion
Wow. Hallo Marco.
Ich weiß eh nicht was die alle haben. Ich bin ja nicht aus der Welt, will lediglich Platz schaffen und haue meine Demo CD's raus. Ich dachte das könnte hier jemanden interessieren. Die Geschichte, dass ich meine Kopf verloren hätte und das alles später schmerzlich bereuen werde denken sich doch die anderen aus. Ich versuchte mich bloß gegen allzu schmählichen Beleidigung zu wehren und habe daher in bischen mehr Einblick in meine derzeitige Situation gegeben als ich eigentlich wollte. Aber es gibt immer so Typen die einem jedes Wort im Munde rumdrehen. Was solls. Ich bringe dennoch ein Entry auf der Assembly dieses Jahr. Nur so richtig aktiv bin ich halt nicht mehr. Warum mich das zum Verräter macht begreife wer will. Woher weißt Du eigentlich, dass ich meine Freundin Schnalle nenne? ;) Na? Ist scheinbar schon Stadtbekannt. *grins*

Tjoa, dann mach ich erstmal Schluß hier. Muss noch ein bischen arbeiten.

Grüße aus Halle,
added on the 2005-06-15 17:29:28 by sirdan sirdan
AUS HALLE?! Da ist eh alles verloren...

Ok guys, nothing more to see here, he's from that part of Germany where the stupid people are concentrated. :/
added on the 2005-06-15 17:48:08 by Adok Adok
Oh fcuk, I can't imagine what I will be writting around here when I find an own girlfriend ;P
added on the 2005-06-15 17:51:19 by Optimus Optimus
I wonder what sirdans demoscene life was like; except watching demos ... :P

Man; he isnt stupid; he is a truly loser.
added on the 2005-06-15 17:52:23 by quisten quisten
