

category: general [glöplog]
ps: *sigh* you know..new city :)
photoshop is your friend!
added on the 2004-09-13 20:50:34 by okkie okkie
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added on the 2004-09-13 22:25:18 by Pegasus Pegasus
ps: Yes, yes, that was Zania. What a nice voice that was..
kb: You made my day as long as I kept scrolling down ;)

p.s. Mmm,.. it's really diferrent when you miss something and then look back. Smells like Pouet spirit..
p.p.s. 5 years ago, I succumbed into infinity. It was the scene that swallowed me. When a scener tries to escape, he is later coming back. That's a rule for sure..
p.p.p.s. During another boring exams period, I was writting C64 algorithms in paper, when my mom wasn't watching. Even if I totally tried to forget the scene during these days, I couldn't. Seems like the scene owns me. Or I just want to be creative in something that I like. However, I am still not sure if I will be frequently writting here on Pouet, for I want to concentrate more on creating stuff. Finishing my 1st C64 demo was great and I am planning to continue coding on CPC, C64 and PC.

Out of subject? Smells like me..
added on the 2004-09-13 23:14:52 by Optimus Optimus
Can people please stop saying "smells like xxx spirit" already? :D

Here's Aria Giovanni. She has black hair, so she looks gothy:

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added on the 2004-09-13 23:32:03 by Stelthzje Stelthzje
ARIA GIOVANNI \o/ I have all her videos! :))
added on the 2004-09-14 00:17:51 by el mal el mal
Look, guys, I KNOW Guns and Roses are not 70's in terms of time, but they do seem to stick to the old 70's format of Rock and Roll, as opposed to the crappy late 80's and early 90's that came about. I consider them 70's and that's all that matters ;) Strength through ignorance!
added on the 2004-09-14 00:36:00 by dotwaffle dotwaffle
waffle: do you condone their views on homosexuals and black people as well? :)
added on the 2004-09-14 04:02:05 by Shifter Shifter
the guy in the third pic of kb's post looks too much like pan/spinningkids... i fear.
added on the 2004-09-14 08:40:18 by uncle-x uncle-x
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sorry, couldnt resist :P
added on the 2004-09-14 15:07:53 by el mal el mal
I like goths because:
1. Paralax is goth!
2. I like Umbra et Imago playing live.
3. Have I said, Paralax is goth?
4. Because they just look funny.
added on the 2004-09-16 01:27:46 by EvilOne EvilOne
added on the 2004-09-16 01:32:44 by elkmoose elkmoose
YAWN... ^O^°
added on the 2004-09-16 11:57:24 by soolta soolta
BB Image ;)
added on the 2004-09-16 12:30:59 by kempy kempy

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added on the 2004-09-16 14:21:42 by xeNusion xeNusion
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added on the 2004-09-16 17:55:02 by skrebbel skrebbel
this is even worse than the certain one of kebby that's beeing dealt high on slengpung =)
added on the 2004-09-16 18:51:05 by dalezr dalezr
dummy post to get rid of this damn image 1/3
added on the 2004-09-16 20:51:51 by kb_ kb_
dummy post to get rid of this damn image 2/3
added on the 2004-09-16 20:51:59 by kb_ kb_
