
Favourite moments from Solskogen 2009

category: general [glöplog]
haha!WTF?? ^^
added on the 2009-07-21 19:16:25 by tFt tFt
irvin, i am glad your music is better than you typing. was really great meeting you this weekend :)
added on the 2009-07-21 19:27:44 by xerxes xerxes
*Crossing the soccer field with Ruth, on the way to put up my tent, while the guys from Darklite fevrishly yell "Gå ta plæn'a" at us for 2 minutes


*Listening to Gargaj telling my work colleagues about the Andromeda belt fight extravaganza during our monday lunch break, leaving the restaurant.. only to run into Jekyll and Hyde - the former showing off his wounds..
added on the 2009-07-21 19:38:44 by leijaa leijaa
leia: haha, legendary stuff :D
added on the 2009-07-21 20:10:47 by thec thec
As main organizer, I would like to comment on a few things -- on the whole I loved Solskogen 2009 a lot - in fact, I think it is our best Solskogen to date, and overall it went really well. There were some unlucky things that happened though:

- The day before the party, I learned that I could not get the screen I was promised, and therefore had to settle for a much smaller one. After discussing it with Lug00ber and Gargaj, we decided to make a new screen on day 2. It all ended well, but took to long.

- During the music compo, I too felt that the PA volume was a tad on the high side, but being a fan of high volume (and recognizing the compo organizers love of bass) I let it pass. I should have asked for it to have been lowered.

- There was a timing-issue with our posters this year. I could only print a few on the first day, and the one about the food service went up just 40 minutes before serving, which was much too late. The shower-posters only got posted on the second day as well, which was simply a glitch - we forgot about them.

- A glitch when printing the votekeys made 1/3 of them invalid (missing the last digit). After discussing it, we decided not to issue new ones, and have the ones with invalid keys simply ask us to complete them for them, which a lot of people did. The fact that 60 (out of around 80) visitors actually registered, confirms that only a few people were ultimately affected. My guess is that they either didn't ask us to help them or simply didn't care. Next year, we'll hand out the votekeys with the (new) wristbands, to avoid confusion.

- Some people didn't get the t-shirts they preordered. This was really regrettable, but unfortunately unfixable at the partyplace. The place that printed the t-shirts ran out during the printing phase, and instead of calling me and allowing me to place orders in the correct size (but different colors), they decided to just print in different sizes than those ordered. After that, they went on vacation. This is being corrected next week, when we'll ship the correct t-shirt sizes to the people who ordered them (we collected the info at Solskogen from everyone who was affected). I'll post about it on the Solskogen website when I have more information.

- The now infamous Andromeda showdown. This should have been put to rest sooner than it was. I believe they left in a taxi at around 02:20, which was much too late. If anyone were frightened or inconvenienced by their behaviour, I am very sorry about that. It should be mentioned that there never was any real fight, but rather a boyish one-upmanship that has been going on between the two since childhood. I was aware of this and therefore didn't react as hard as I probably should have when they got going. I won't address it any more than that, but if any of the ones involved feel like it, feel free.

For the things above, I apologize.

That being said: I consider the above to be minor glitches and/or things outside of my control, and it's not really something that I felt "broke" the party in any way. I can't remember having seen many similar threads about other parties, and therefore conclude that it's because people really care about the party, which is AWESOME! I am really proud to have organized Solskogen 2009, and I would like to direct a huge thanks to all of my fellow co-organizers who did a great job this year (in no particular order):

- Dozer: without you, Solskogen wouldn't happen - you are our faithful Mr Fix It and I am eternally grateful for your dedication to the party (god knows what we'll do next year when you're off getting married :)
- Sesse: keeping the tech in order. We'll get a faster connection next year, to put your talents to the test. :)
- Gargaj & Lug00ber: for running the compos so well. There is no question that this year was the smoothest comporun in Solskogen history, and I hope you return next year to make it even better.
- Concrete: for the slick food service and doubling as bouncer when things got out of hand.
- Slummy: for helping out during the entire party, and for picking up the slack. Also: Mr Sponsor!
- D'arcy: for designing the t-shirt under the sort of deadline that make mere mortals curl up and die (and, of course, for being extremely sexy :)
- Garble: for stepping in during the cleanup phase and spending the entire sunday driving between Jessheim and Ås a total of three times, when you really didn't have to. Thanks!

..and with that, I would like to direct you all to the EPIC pictures from the Solskogen soccer tournament (aka FARK-material deluxe :) -->

Hope to see you all (and more) next year!
added on the 2009-07-21 21:10:57 by gloom gloom
- A glitch when printing the votekeys made 1/3 of them invalid (missing the last digit).

Another lesson I learned here: print preview is there for a reason :D
added on the 2009-07-21 21:28:15 by Gargaj Gargaj
i liked it when gargaj reenacted Pirates of the Carribean 1, 2 _and_ 3:
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added on the 2009-07-21 21:42:05 by el mal el mal
- Some people didn't get the t-shirts they preordered. This was really regrettable, but unfortunately unfixable at the partyplace. The place that printed the t-shirts ran out during the printing phase, and instead of calling me and allowing me to place orders in the correct size (but different colors), they decided to just print in different sizes than those ordered. After that, they went on vacation. This is being corrected next week, when we'll ship the correct t-shirt sizes to the people who ordered them (we collected the info at Solskogen from everyone who was affected). I'll post about it on the Solskogen website when I have more information.

I was NOT informed of this, i was told that i could get a womens small or a large .. i would like to get the ordered size and i can pass mine on to someone else, is this possible? (as it is 2nd year in a row with shirt problems on my behalf)

..regarding football, even though team brainstorm beat us this year, it doesn't seem fair they have to win 2 matches to reach the final and the winners only needed 1 win and therefor only had 1 game in the legs before the final, and also had a break before the final which brainstorm didn't.

And further more .. RABBLE RABBLE RABBLE RABBLE RABBEL, yes i am a whiny bastard ;)
added on the 2009-07-21 22:16:40 by dwarf dwarf
dwarf: Try organizing a cup (pretty much the only thing you have time for) with five teams without one team having to play a quarter-final first :-) Granted, in 2008 we did a semi-random draw of which teams had to play quarter finals, this time we just picked the two first teams. In any case, as an unlimited number of subs was allowed, nothing stopped you from using your energy wisely throughout the tournament. :-)

Perhaps next time we'll have an elaborate seeding system. Or we're lucky and the number of teams will be a power of two :-P
added on the 2009-07-21 22:31:21 by Sesse Sesse
sesse: how about a all-meet-all with 3 points for win and 1 point for tie?
added on the 2009-07-21 23:32:52 by thec thec
on the up-side: the whole party, the people, the atmosphere; everything!

on the down-side: can't think of anything.

Liked the entire party to well to complaint about anything. Some smallstuff really don't bother me. Besides: thumbs up for playing LOUD in the music compos - I for one loved it :)

See ya all soon - Love from the fat kids to ya'all!
added on the 2009-07-21 23:44:43 by response response
Fagernes Kjøtt og Data approves of both the kjøtt and the data of this party!

Compos were cool. I don't mind loud music. It brings out the best of techno. It is not common to play concerts at low volume, so why play compos at low volume?

I hope Darklite will bring the Sidbox to some other parties too. It was übercool!

That sand effect at the end of the Andromeda demo was the first effect in ages to make me go "yeeeaaah!"

Can't think of any negative points. Maybe that the other soccer teams were a bit lousy, but it is ok.
added on the 2009-07-22 00:18:49 by loaderror loaderror
thec: You really want ten games played instead of four, with the rain looming? :-) (We had actually cancelled the soccer compo, but decided to hold it anyway due to lots of interest coinciding with a brief stop in the rain.)
added on the 2009-07-22 00:59:17 by Sesse Sesse
@ loady "Can't think of any negative points. Maybe that the other soccer teams were a bit lousy, but it is ok"

why you little!!!!
added on the 2009-07-22 08:49:25 by farfar farfar
The happiest scorer of the whole tournament must have been Morbuz when he scored the 1-4 goal against Brainstorm :)
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This could also work:

Team.1 - Team.2 = Winner.1
Team.3 - Team.4 = Winner.2
Loser.1 - Team.5 = Winner.3
Loser.2 - Loser.3 = Winner.4

Winner.1 - Winner.2 = Final.1
Winner.3 - Winner.4 = Final.2

Final.1 - Final.2 = UBERMENSCH

But as Sesse said, 4 matches was probalby the best thing to do at the time.
Lets push more people to enter a team next year, so we get an even number. More people probably would have joined with some smooth persuasion ;)
added on the 2009-07-22 10:12:51 by tFt tFt
oh btw, I really like the Voting system this year. I hate what is usually used at parties (The whole rulez, nah, sucks...etc thing) Other parties should follow the same as you did.

Meaning, making it possible to only vote for 3 entries per compo.
Its quicker, and imo you get a more fair result.
added on the 2009-07-22 10:23:39 by tFt tFt
oh btw, I really like the Voting system this year. I hate what is usually used at parties (The whole rulez, nah, sucks...etc thing) Other parties should follow the same as you did.

that's funny cos it actually was the "standard" voting procedure (preferential voting) before partymeister came along (range voting) - even the first breakpoint had that system.
added on the 2009-07-22 11:43:38 by Gargaj Gargaj
Partymeister actually uses range voting? I remember we tried to get in Condorcet at some TG, but the powers-that-be never implemented it in the compo system :-)

The problem with preferential voting is, of course, that it's very prone to tactical voting. I don't know whether range voting actually fixes that or not.
added on the 2009-07-22 11:59:29 by Sesse Sesse
Partymeister actually uses range voting?

it supports both range and preferential, but i havent really seen the latter used since BP2003; i guess it's because it defaults to rangevote and party organizers dont really want to switch.
added on the 2009-07-22 12:21:27 by Gargaj Gargaj
Hm, actually, “preferential” could mean quite a lot of things -- what parties traditionally have used is AFAIK Borda voting (ie., first place gets X points, second place gets Y points, etc.).
added on the 2009-07-22 12:36:32 by Sesse Sesse
borda voting is preferential :)
added on the 2009-07-22 12:45:32 by Gargaj Gargaj
I finally got all my pictures up in full-res; here's a selection (although as always, I probably select too many :-) ) .
added on the 2009-07-22 12:59:46 by Sesse Sesse
Gargaj: Yes, but Condorcet voting is also preferential, and the two systems are quite different in practice :-)
added on the 2009-07-22 13:00:25 by Sesse Sesse
I hope nobody forgot to mention the band.

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Just need to say that this is an awsome picture.
added on the 2009-07-22 15:35:57 by Deus Deus
