
Demozone 2008 cancelled

category: general [glöplog]
any news?

I saw 19.00h @ Utrecht CS coming by. This is correct?

And...what's for dinner? =)
added on the 2008-11-05 13:06:51 by scoutski scoutski
Yeah, 19.00 will be fine. I still have to talk to skrebbel about the restaurant, but I guess I'll reserve something at King Arthur's (Close to station, ok food and pretty cheap)
added on the 2008-11-05 13:10:35 by okkie okkie
plek, sad to hear that! but a wise choice - i wish you luck with the diet. have a coke on us :-)
added on the 2008-11-05 14:55:10 by skrebbel skrebbel
Arthur's sounds ok. See you there, then.
added on the 2008-11-05 17:05:15 by earx earx
And the King Arthur is full on friday. I think we're a bit late trying to reserve a table somewhere :(.
added on the 2008-11-05 18:40:57 by okkie okkie
Crapness. Should I decide to go I won't be arriving at Utrecht CS before 19:40* and I'll have to be back at the station at 20:50* unless I want to spend my weekend walking home :(

* - delays, crashes, random knife-wielders, etc not considered.

Bottom line: spend 3 1/2 hours in trains for roughly an hour of meeting with various sick Dutch fucks.

Also, I need to be in Mariënberg the next day before 11:00 - there's a MSX clubmeeting planned that I do not want to miss.

Sorry, but I think I'll have to pass. Everone else have fun though ;)
added on the 2008-11-05 20:52:51 by Haohmaru Haohmaru
oh noez. food! we need food!
added on the 2008-11-06 18:08:25 by sang-soo sang-soo
fixed! we will dine at 19:00 in "De Winkel van Sinkel", in the tapas restaurant downstairs. This should ring a bell at least to those who ever went to bcnparty so yes, tapas is on topic :-)

Route description and info later tonight when I've more time (or up to okkie, if you have time before me)!
added on the 2008-11-06 19:20:31 by skrebbel skrebbel
Cool! Still meet @ CS with a different time?
added on the 2008-11-06 19:24:33 by scoutski scoutski
*interprets* ....... *ploink*

ah...see ya @ de winkel @ 19.00h =)
added on the 2008-11-06 19:25:34 by scoutski scoutski
For those coming by train, I suggest the following: Gather at the "meeting point" in the middle of the station hall until 18:45 and leave for the restaurant then. Those who are late can find it on their own, and I don't plan on keeping a list of who's coming by train :-)

I *might* be there at the meeting point, but I may try to be an hour early or so, and take care of some other stuff. So don't wait up for me :-)

See you at de winkel tomorrow!
added on the 2008-11-06 19:34:55 by skrebbel skrebbel
(so make sure you take a train that arrives *before* 18:45)
added on the 2008-11-06 19:42:08 by skrebbel skrebbel
It's around a 10 min walk from CS and it goes like this.

- Get out at 'Vredeburg' exit (all the way through Hoog Catharijne)

- Cross the square and keep on walking straight, passing all shops until you are at Oude Gracht.

- Go right until Winkel van Sinkel :)
added on the 2008-11-06 21:04:39 by okkie okkie
@havoc: beware! we're in the tapas/night restaurant. not in the grand café!
added on the 2008-11-06 21:07:01 by scoutski scoutski
De gemeente Utrecht is de onveiligste gemeente van Nederland. Den Haag staat als enige van de vier grote steden niet in de top tien van onveilige gemeenten. Het Friese Ferwerderadiel is het veiligst.

Dat blijkt uit de eerste Gemeentelijke Veiligheidsindex die vandaag is gepubliceerd op de website van het blad Binnenlands Bestuur.

dus vergeet uw kogelvrije vesten niet!
added on the 2008-11-07 13:21:59 by el mal el mal
sorry guys, i'm gonna skip this one... some other business came up for which i have to be back in emmerich early saturday morning, so i'm suffering from the same disease haohmaru already described: more time in the train/bus than at the actual meeting... too bad for me, but i'm sure you can have fun without me also ;)
added on the 2008-11-07 14:04:10 by havoc havoc
awww :/ but fair enough, it's not worth it to come for just an hour or smth. Good luck with your meeting!
added on the 2008-11-07 14:07:42 by okkie okkie
I've slept like 4 hours but looking forward to this! Let there be beer and food
added on the 2008-11-07 14:12:48 by numtek numtek
oh crap, since it is a legal restaurant I guess there is no smoking :(
I will never get used to that as long as I eat, party and soepkip in squats.
added on the 2008-11-07 14:17:53 by numtek numtek
Dat was een prima avond :)
added on the 2008-11-08 01:19:44 by okkie okkie
yeps, but fuckings to c64 and atari!
added on the 2008-11-08 01:43:18 by el mal el mal
Prima vervanging voor 't partijtje! 't is natuurlijk niet hetzelfde als een demoparty, maar ik heb 't uitstekend naar mijn zin gehad!
added on the 2008-11-08 01:51:12 by Alpha C Alpha C
wel goed tandenpoetsen om van die knoflookwalm af te komen!!!
added on the 2008-11-08 02:00:06 by el mal el mal
enjoyed it a lot
don't forget to come to the party@numtek this saturday! :)
added on the 2008-11-08 02:05:21 by numtek numtek
