
[!] Game dev question..

category: general [glöplog]
All I've got to say about gamedev:
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Gamedev ruined the Portuguese scene, but it also somehow created it.
added on the 2007-02-01 22:30:57 by xernobyl xernobyl
grp names do matter in the cracking scene, and even among the p2p leechers.

now many 'legendary' names have been tarnished by filthy methods and cash interests...

though big crackers still deserve respect for their dedicated work on commercial protections (those are REALLY HARD nowadays).

added on the 2007-02-01 23:49:46 by Zest Zest
Bonzaj - first of all this thread was for fun. Some ppl understood that, some not, lolz for them then. You didn't, what's fun as always.

Second - if you say something about trolls let's think first about some of your amiga friends, who was you trying defending many times on scene.pl when they did something totally lame/trollish/whatever.

So fuck off and have a nice day.
added on the 2007-02-02 03:12:27 by monk monk
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added on the 2007-02-02 07:36:14 by 4kum4 4kum4
bonzaj wrote:
ha ha, this thread is just great. The most funny thing is, that monk, which is the infamous troll on polish sites, doesn't have his most deadly weapon on this forum. If he would write in polish here, then nobody on this forum would have stand a chance against him.

What's so funny? As I assume ur knowledge of English is not that good either. Besides what does it change? You're stupid anyway. We all know what happened when your mates were on Mekka - it was one fuckin shame for the Polish scene as your friends made there the same thing they do on every party - they got drunk and they made one big mess in front of the party-place. So yeah, have a big laugh you ass jockey. Oh, and before I forget - how went the collection that you had to make to repay for the stuff you destroyed (as usual btw) on your shitty party Symphony? Did it go well? I hope so...

So come on tough guy, let's see how tough you really are dumbass. You dont have any arguments and you know it. You can serve me a milk shake if you like...
added on the 2007-02-02 13:18:01 by ural ural
ural, fuck off! stop bringing your stupid polish scene wars here. i'm good friends with both bonzaj and monk, and in fact both are goodminded, unlike you. btw how come i havent seen YOU on any party, polish or not? who is the better scener - the one who parties or the one who sits behind his screen writing grim posts? we had shitloads of fun at symphony, marast, abstract - and where the hell were you? you little lamer. little lamer who has done nothing in fact. you may like bonzajs party habits or not (in fact i never seen bonzaj so drunk that he destroyed anything or smth) but he fucking rocks the scene with his prods. okay, you have done budyn mag. still, so what! have some respect, for fucks sake.
go crawl back into your hole! spierdalaj sie!
added on the 2007-02-02 13:25:40 by dipswitch dipswitch
and who is the "polish scene" that bonzaj's friends supposedly embarassed? the polish scene are people who represent the scene at parties and produce rocking stuff - so, they could only have embaraced themselves, if at all. who rocks the polish scene? plastic, mawi, suspend, addict. and they are all good party fellows. the polish scene are THEM, and not enbittered nerds who just complain.
added on the 2007-02-02 13:30:26 by dipswitch dipswitch
LOL - if anybody brought here a scene war it was bonzaj so fuck off u2. Nerds who just complain? Did you just call me a nerd? Are you a Polish scener? Do you know what's going on on the Polish scene? I don't think so. So cuz you're so clever tell your little friend bonzaj to shut up cuz he started here a flame about the Polish scene - next, he wrote HERE some stupid things in Polish. So, are you a hypocrite dipswitch? I guess so... Also I was a member of one of the groups you had the kindness to list, I was also very active on the Polsh PC scene so don't call me a nerd. You know Monk and bonzaj from ICQ - you did not have the doubtful pleasure to see what happens on Polish parties and what your great friend bonzaj does on our local scene so don't try to be an expert here. If you didn't understand the meaning of my post here let me explain - I told bonzaj quite nicely to shut up and not bring our Polish wars in here. He doesn't understand a different language anyway, so I'm sure he doesn't feel offended in any way. And let me repeat once again: he started here the Polish flame - check it for yourself on the third page here and stop being such a hypocrite. Cheers.
added on the 2007-02-02 13:47:49 by ural ural
Yeah Dip, but look- it's Bonzaj who started bringing polish flames here. Which is bad thing, cos i think ppl outside Poland are not interested in that stuff, don't know their reasons and just don't care. My proposal it's to stop doing that.

added on the 2007-02-02 13:51:51 by monk monk
ural: myszle ze, byc moze, znam polska scena dluzej niz ty... "i know only from icq"? "i did not have the pleasure"? kurcza... to pokazuje ze nie masz zadnego pojecia co sie robie w polskiej scene, ale to nie dziwno, bo wyglada tak jak nic innego juz nie robisz oprócz pisania glupych postów i startowania flamewars. bo w innym czasie znalbys ze mieszkalem caly 2005 rok w polsce i spotkalem sie duzo z polska scena, bylem na parties, etc. wiedzialem i scena a, i scena b... i przed tym swapowalem ze polskimi scenowcami jeszcze w latach 1990ch.

"you did not have the doubtful pleasure to see what happens on Polish parties" - tak? n.p. mialem "doubtful pleasure" zobaczyc co sie dzieje na glównej impresie t.n. "sceny a", abstract 2005. i tez n.p. mialem "pleasure", ale juz nie "doubtful", byc na symphony 2004. a pojechac z "brudnymi" amigascenowcami do marast 2005 - to byc moze byla nailepsza rzecz moego scenowskiego zycia.

nie musisz mowic mi ze nie znam jak polaki impresuja i co sie dzieje na polskich imprezach. i wiem ze tez w polskiej scenie sa ludzi ktory nie moga kontrolowac sie po pijeniu (ale takich ludzi ma w kazdej scenie!) - ale tez wiem ze w polsce po prostu najlepszy scene spirit. bylem w duzo krajuw i spotkalem sie ze scenowcami we wszystkiej europie - ale fun i friednship w polsce byli naprawda wielki.

ale ty nie szacijesz ani fun ani friendship. co scena dla tobie? okay, byz moze myslisz ze "nie podoba pic tak duzo, scenowiec musze robic produkcji" - no rób juz, okay! zrób cos lepiej niz ostatnia demo od plastiku, i potem mozesz mowic ze ten i ten czlowiek "embarace the polish scene" - ale teraz you are the one who embaraces the polish scene.

przepraszam za brak gramatiki i znaków diakrytycznych.

monk: the only guy starting flames here is ural.
added on the 2007-02-02 14:19:30 by dipswitch dipswitch
damn.. do we need to crack that text before we can read it?
added on the 2007-02-02 14:33:00 by el mal el mal
added on the 2007-02-02 14:34:48 by kb_ kb_
vodka anyone?
added on the 2007-02-02 14:39:20 by xeNusion xeNusion
added on the 2007-02-02 14:45:57 by StingRay StingRay
dip - spojrz faktycznie na ta 3 strone tego watku, kto zaczal flame'a. zrobil to bonzaj, jadac sobie po mnie, ot tak sam z siebie, choc ani nikt o nim nie pisal, ani o niczym co by go moglo dotyczy bezposrednio. ot tak stwierdzil ze mi sprobuje dosrac tutaj, bo na scene.pl nie bardzo mu sie to udawalo. to bylo zachowanie conajmniej dziecinne. i po co? zachowal sie jak lamer i troll, nazywajac trollem mnie, a to tylko dlatego ze kiedys, w przeszlosci zwrocilem mu uwage ze nie powinien bronic ludzi ktorzy nie potrafia pic na parties, tylko dlatego ze to jego koledzy. to rowniez uwazam za objaw bycia niedojrzalym emocjonalnie.

jak widac jego wciaz cos boli, na co wplywu juz nie mam, bo gdy ktos mnie przeprasza za to ze go ponioslo kiedystam, to ja traktuje to jako szczerze przeprosiny, a nie "przepraszam" bo tak wypada. i nie mam juz nic do takiej osoby, nie uwazam go za wroga etc. teraz znow gosc mnie zaatakowal, obrazil, polecial po kolegow i co? wbijam w to, swoja szanse dosrania mi juz mial, nie wykorzystal, a ze teraz robi to co robi to jedynie oznaka jego trollowatosci, nie mojej. przepraszac mnie tez nie musi, niech po prostu da sobie spokoj i pogodzi sie z przeszloscia albo rzuci z mostu, jego sprawa. jasne, moj angielski nie jest swietny, zdaje sobie z tego sprawe, ale jak bedzie trzeba to bede sie bronil nawet po mandarynsku i moze sobie zaprosic cala amiscene.org skoro sam sie boi.

i nie zgadzam sie z tym co napisales na temat tego ze ktos musi zrobic demo jak bonzaj, (przy czym nie uwazam ze bonzaj zrobil dla sceny wiecej niz ural, ale ty jak faktycznie jest nie wiesz i sie nie dowiesz od bonzaja czy jego kolegow) czy ktokolwiek inny by moc komus innemu zwrocic uwage ze zachowuje sie zle, to zachowanie mu przeszkadza. bo to akurat moze zrobic (i powinien) ktokolwiek, niezaleznie od tego czy jezdzi na parties czy cos dalej robi aktywnie na scenie etc. bycie na chartsach czy wygrywanie parties nie jest jednoznaczne z posiadaniem licencji na bycie dupkiem wobec innych na scenie.

a teraz zastanow sie co bys o mnie sadzil gdybys znal mnie jedynie z opowiesci bonzaja (kolejna przykra cecha obgadywanie za plecami), jak to sie ma do rzeczywistosci, tego jaki jestem. i teraz zastanow sie czy nie to samo uproszczenie (poznanie urala jedynie z opowiesci "sceny b") zastosowales wobec michala, ktorego ja znam troche lepiej, nie opierajac sie jedynie na tym co powiedza mi o nim inni. bonzaj popelnil podobny blad, nie znajac mnie i broniac swoich kolegow (co nie jest niczym pozytywnym, friendshipowym etc kiedy ci koledzy nie maja po prostu racji, bo trudno miec racje rozwalajac cokolwiek i liczac na aprobate), atakujac mnie.

on tego nie zrozumial do dzisiaj i byc moze nie zrozumie nigdy, mowie trudno, zyje dalej. gdyby mi zalezalo na tym by cala polska scena mnie kochala to bym tez zachowywal sie jak on, broniac kolegow, nawet gdy zachowuja sie jak totalne palanty, ale ze mi nie zalezy na tym, kieruje sie swoimi zasadami - narazilem sie wielu ludziom na scenie, podobnie jak i ural, dlatego wlasnie wiele osob cos do nas ma i zachowuje sie jak bonzaj zachowal sie powyzejm wykorzystujac kazda okazje by moc sie odegrac. ale ja o to na prawde nie dbam, nie zyje tylko po to by wszyscy mnie kochali. zasady sa dla mnie wazniejsze, bo zycie bez nich traktuje jako bezwartosciowe.

przestancie sie bluzgac z uralem bo z mojej perpektywy oboje malo o sobie wiecie i macie przez to krzywy obraz rzeczywistosci.

i dajmy spokoj z polskimi scenowymi brudami na pouecie, bo ludzi tu one w wiekszosci szczerze pierdola. poznales je w jakims stopniu, przez pryzmat tego co mowil ci o nich bonzaj jak i ja, tego ze byles na polskim party (i mozesz sie cieszyc ze trafiles akurat na abstrac'cie nie na symphony) wiec masz jakas opinie na ten temat, znasz powody dla ktorych tak jest, ale nie proboj sie w to wlaczac bo szkoda czasu i nerwow, masz scene na ktorej ludzie zachowuja sie w cywilizowany sposob (jasne, sa wyjatki, one sie zawsze znajda, ale u nas problem polega glownie na tym ze negatywne zachowanie jest czyms wrecz pozytywnym), ciesz sie z tego.
added on the 2007-02-02 15:30:12 by monk monk
added on the 2007-02-02 15:38:30 by v4nl4me v4nl4me
monk: keeping all the jokes to yourself sucks. Translate all that.
added on the 2007-02-02 15:43:24 by xernobyl xernobyl
Yeah but poles are now almost everywhere in the Europe so take an example from Dipswitch and better start learn polish language ;).

But seriously sorry for myself for using polish language there, that discussion from some part of it should be on priv, so Dipswitch - if you want continue please catch me via messager, you are welcome, as always.
added on the 2007-02-02 15:45:03 by monk monk
Before learning Polish I have to learn Motorola.
added on the 2007-02-02 15:53:29 by xernobyl xernobyl
yeah, let's cut it here. actually i have neither time nor interest to flame around here, i was just stroke by ural's choice of words against bonzaj, so i had to reply.

although i must say that discussing polish "scene a" and "scene b" is much more interesting than the original topic of this thread, sorry monk. :)
added on the 2007-02-02 15:54:53 by dipswitch dipswitch
You wasn't stroked by Bonzaj's attack on me?
added on the 2007-02-02 16:01:24 by monk monk
i was unpleasantly touched by that too, but i think "troll" is by far not as bad as "stupid [...] ass jockey [...] dumbass".
added on the 2007-02-02 16:05:01 by dipswitch dipswitch
reason -> effect

I had some harsh times trying to teach that Justyna, becouse girls are thinking a little different, but i don't belive you can't see that and who really start this all here too.

added on the 2007-02-02 16:20:22 by monk monk
i think _you_ started it by being a total fuckwit, but that's of course only a subjective opinion ;)
added on the 2007-02-02 16:50:09 by kb_ kb_
xernobyl, interfacing memory is more fun than trying to decode a language :P
