
what is the best demo and/or intro made do you think?

category: general [glöplog]
Hard wired...nothing will beat the feeling i had when i saw that the first time.

***possibly the best demo ever?!***
added on the 2002-05-07 23:18:10 by NoahR NoahR
best sequence in a demo must be the one with the robot in bleam/lionhead. my personal flavour is orange type of demos. also acme, pulse, cncd, complex. they made some real nice demos before. nowadays its mostly just boring 3d shit... I liked calodox's first releases.. nomad and bomb came out with some real nice demos before also.

The most original, artistic and technically perfect demo I've ever seen. And it runs on an A500!!!
added on the 2002-05-10 20:11:05 by Wade^Hjb Wade^Hjb
if i had to name some demos that i find essential (not "best ever" or stuff like that), i'd have to say "the secret life of mr. black", "lifeforms", "dope", "nexus 7", "state of the art", "desert dream", "state of mind"... and more.. in no special order.
added on the 2002-05-12 20:43:59 by gloom gloom
"Hardwired", "panic", "state of the art", "Coma Light 11", "verses"
added on the 2004-02-02 10:50:39 by Stelthzje Stelthzje
Nobody likes Pager-11 by Fudge and Orange?
added on the 2004-02-02 12:50:55 by kurli kurli
http://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=9447 what else? :-D
added on the 2004-02-02 13:09:13 by EvilOne EvilOne
Its clearly http://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=7076
Dont know why you even argue.
(too bad the mirror is down, and I cant find my local copy *cough*)
added on the 2004-02-04 01:32:21 by daxxar daxxar
TCB Cuddly Demos
nothing will ever beat deesbab
added on the 2004-02-04 02:21:16 by psenough psenough
Well, let's see... groundbreaking demos...
demo.prg (first Atari ST demo)
Global Trash II (first video-wild demo?)
Unreal II: The Second Reality ("first" decent PC demo)
State of the Art (Proved the Amiga still had it)
Dope (the PC no longer tries to be an Amiga)
Lasse Reinbong Win32 port (first Windows intro)
Stash (proved that you could make good PC intros.)
303 (vocals in a demo)
Omniscent (decent sound in a 4k)
Kasparov (started the 3-D flythough craze)
Lapsuus (proved the Amiga still had it)
Planet Potion (advanced vocoder, 3d, design, and small too)
Zoom3 (windows vocoder)

Okay, which ones did I miss?
added on the 2004-02-04 05:30:02 by crusader crusader
"" (no name) by Alien Prophets
Moral Hard Candy by Blasphemy
Kkowboy by Blasphemy
Killer by CNCD
Klone by DCS
Phenomenon by DCSs
Nonstop by DCS
Codename Chinadoll by Katastro.fi

For me it would probably have to be an intro, and it would be a tie between hplus and bakkslide 7 (I've not been able to watch hplus for years tho, but i remember it dominating :) Where did that win32 port get to??
added on the 2004-02-04 11:53:08 by psonice psonice
chaos_fr wrote:

""rsmd" is the prototype of the mega demo with loader part, "dsots" adds a great menu to select the effect, mental hangover is the end of the mega demo eara, and hardwired is the birth of design. what is the first music synced demo? state of the art? if we find that component, we have everything that makes todays demos. i don't see any other important addition to the demo scene. better style, better graphics, better music, better 3d, but nothing new. "

You should learn history before you think that everything has started with AMIGA. The megademo concept comes from c64. There were menu driven demos aswell... and even the pc scene has added a lot... get off your amiga glasses please...
added on the 2004-02-04 14:39:26 by Oswald Oswald
while you should learn not to bother our beloved Chaos! :P
added on the 2004-02-04 15:09:27 by el mal el mal
Tube is the best intro ever ! F... accelerators , make 256b intros :)

BB Image
added on the 2004-02-04 15:39:09 by Someone Someone
Oswald is right.

"what is the first music synced demo? state of the art?"

for example Panic was released at the very same party, so even pc - the youngest platform of the day - had music synced trackmo at that time.

and very probably there were more.
added on the 2004-02-04 18:07:22 by blala blala
I strongly disagree with Tyler Durden and think Tube is very overrated as a demo/intro. Don't misunderstand me, Tube is exceptional for a 256b intro, it only exhibits a very very minor part of coding and demo making. There's more to a good demo/intro than size limitations - speed, complexity, innovation, synchronisation and timing etc etc.

There are many demos and intros that rule in one aspect, but fall short in another and I think the best are those that show off as many varied talents as possible and are able to combine them in a single harmonious and entertaining production.
added on the 2004-02-04 19:07:33 by Wade Wade
I have got a good idea: How about adding
added on the 2004-02-04 19:53:19 by Stelthzje Stelthzje
Well people, I have to agree with chaos: if you´re gonna make a list of demos that were ground-breaking, new, milestones in their time, you´ll wanna mention the ones that really advanced the art itself: adding new effects like sync, flythroughs, multi-layering and so on as everything else is purely subjective and cannot be verified. A timeline is a great idea, btw. Oh, and for the ones criticising chaos for being biased towards amiga: either you´re too young or too ignorant to undertand where we all evolved from! Granted, there was a machine called ST and one called PC in those days, but look at the majority of computers in the past: Amiga and before that, C64, CPC, Spectrum - THAT IS OUR LEGACY!
added on the 2004-02-05 12:29:38 by mct mct
So you agree with chaos that all milestone demos belongs to the holy amiga god. Then you tell me that I dont know the past. There were no milestone demos on other machines ? It seems that you dont know the past in this case. And being an active c64 scener, please dont tell me where are my roots.
added on the 2004-02-05 15:12:10 by Oswald Oswald
c64? what's that? :P
added on the 2004-02-05 19:04:37 by el mal el mal
the quest for the first ever greetings and the etymological examination of the word lamer !
Fearmoths demos rule, all others are just parodies of them :P
added on the 2004-02-05 22:14:39 by elkmoose elkmoose
The demoscene I know - the demoscene I started watching from a far and later became a part of - went from the c64 to a500 to a1200 to pc. Those are the only scenes that were big enough to have any impact on the general direction of demos. Before pouet, I had hardly heard of these strange, peripheral scenes on every imaginable platform. I don't believe that is an indication of my ignorance, but of their size and fame.

There are surely people who think that the Compis, abc80, ENIAC or <insert favourite obscure platform> scene get too little attention, but the fact of the matter is that they are irrelevant to the evolution of the demoscene.

Note that I haven't said anything about the quality or innovative value of the productions on these platforms - I'm merely expressing my view about their relative irrelevance compared to the big scenes that have shaped the art of demomaking.

And btw the pc scene is dying, just like the amiga scene died a decade ago. Jump ship and swim ashore on Apple island before it's too late ;P
added on the 2004-02-06 01:10:31 by gammawave gammawave
