Scene politics (what side you're on ?)
category: general [glöplog]
shifter: LOL =D
0x00FFFF rules!
..the common transparent value for Doom WAD gfx :)
i hope i haven't forgotten anyone this time:
Killer ! =D
I've revamped my theory :
And what is fun, art and technology together? Moppi Productions?
^^ I think that's a good one. I guess I'm somewhat yellow/red/purplish :p
I also think it's a good one. I just wonder how you can make a demo without technology...
technology + poetry = ?
nothing ?
oh it's me it's me :D
nothing ?
oh it's me it's me :D
i shift drastically between dark red and dark purple.. -_-
i should aim for more green, if i wasnt so fucking lazy -_-
i should aim for more green, if i wasnt so fucking lazy -_-
Actually the three-axis model is a good idea (as I already said), but a 2-dimensional triangle is not a good way to visualize it. A 3-dimensional cube would be needed.
i guess they usually dont have multidimensional scales questions on iq tests.
ps: Now please tell me the coordinates where somebody is located who is 100% fun, 100% technology and 0% art?
all this bullshit reminds me i gotta leech the new demovibes.. and those of you who havent yet either... DO IT!
I don't get your point, Adok.
Well, if you add 100% technology to 100% fun, you'll be out of the triangle.
Not in oldschool?
who is 100% fun, 100% technology...
why the fuck should we care of nonexistent entities ?
Here are some examples :
With a 0 to 5 graduation using center as the origin, you can define a 2D area.
With a 0 to 5 graduation using center as the origin, you can define a 2D area.
willbe: i dont think he even knows how to calc a point, let alone an area of range...
adok: draw line between corner and oposite sideline. calc % on that line, draw paralel to the oposite sideline. do the same for another of the values, you'll get intersection of 2 lines. notice that the % of each rgb must add to 100%...
adok: draw line between corner and oposite sideline. calc % on that line, draw paralel to the oposite sideline. do the same for another of the values, you'll get intersection of 2 lines. notice that the % of each rgb must add to 100%...
ps: i'd like a photo of your face when we'll ask you to implement willbe scoring in pouet :>
Havoc mate, beard=conspiracy=wtf?! Is nosfe a conspracy kook too? are you? o_0
omfg... willbe knows about the secret...
he must be shot down right now.
he must be shot down right now.