
Freax vol. 1. - Feedback

category: residue [glöplog]
oh and could you please define what people you were referring to as my people? I cant seem to wrap my head around that one
Are you actually interested in an answer, or just trying to troll as always?
added on the 2013-05-31 02:11:33 by tomcat tomcat
oh, so you got answers? please share!
As soon as you stop this offensive manner and apologize. I don't see a point in telling you an elaborate story just to give you a reason to keep insulting me.
added on the 2013-05-31 02:14:38 by tomcat tomcat
says the man who said I should suck a big dick.

as someone said, this gift just keeps giving.
It's funny how you're upset on a little homosexuality, especially you called me names for pages long. Just read back. Haven't you?
added on the 2013-05-31 02:17:27 by tomcat tomcat
oh well... as much as I would have loved to stay, I gotta go suck a big communist mummy dick.
Nobody is upset here except you.
added on the 2013-05-31 02:19:12 by ham ham
I am not. I am having a great time bashing you idiots.
added on the 2013-05-31 02:20:04 by tomcat tomcat
Glad that you are having a great time. Maybe this help you as a relief in your actual circunstance.
added on the 2013-05-31 02:23:15 by ham ham
I just got a pinch of empathy when I realized that tomcat must be mentally hindered for real. We should probably stop making fun of him. This is like laughing at Jersey beach...
Like I need relief. I have a great life, not spoiled by naive idiotism and a bright future. You, kids, will stay in the computer and go nowhere. Have a nice life.
added on the 2013-05-31 02:27:01 by tomcat tomcat
BB Image
added on the 2013-05-31 02:29:24 by ___ ___
dubmood: I agree. We should try to help instead. All this mess is quite sad.
added on the 2013-05-31 02:30:33 by ham ham
Dubmood, I guess you couldn't stand up against me in any challenge, mental or physical, not mentioning moral. So just don't overestimate yourself.
added on the 2013-05-31 02:37:33 by tomcat tomcat
Someone who's life revolves around relics and ancient history does not sound like someone who has a bright FUTURE.
added on the 2013-05-31 02:38:20 by Deus Deus
Still better than revolving around gay pride, like yours.
added on the 2013-05-31 02:41:35 by tomcat tomcat
i don't know whats more enervating: rightist alarmism or leftist ignorance...

tomcat comes along and goes like "yeah, it's the end of the west! eurabia is coming! look at london, berlin, marseilles!11one" and then people who actually do live there are like "well, no, what the fuck!"

our current form of liberalism isn't exactly brilliant. it is very true we see growing unsolved cultural conflicts everywhere in europe, but nobody feels able to turn the situation for the better. our ideas of individual freedom - that should have made us become confident citizens - made us instead become helpless, lonely robots, unable to change anything. we just let it all happen.

and we really should be worried, because this is the perfect breeding ground for all sorts of extremists with their easy answers to everything: more nationalism, more koran, more whatever... they all lined up for takeover, because we are such an easy prey
added on the 2013-05-31 02:47:33 by degauss degauss
It really is a spectacle to see a man so hell bent on burning every bridge he can. It's rare to see trolling that's so calculated, yet vicious.

Not that it matters. Pouet has always had a poor track record not letting even the crudest of trolls run circles around it, so I don't see why that should change now.
added on the 2013-05-31 07:17:17 by jobe jobe
tomcat: so basically, women should stay at home, gays should be in the hide, borders should be closed, and no one should be able to tell you otherwise unless they made a name for themselves in a highly successful life... such as yours? being home arrested? to me it just feels like you have a screwed up hero complex, your vision is the only way to save the world and everyone else is trash talking whenever they don't shutup and listen to your wise words. as far as i have known you you have always had this complex to some degree.

is there actually anyone you look up to? can you name anyone at all?

you might even be right on plenty of the concearns that fuel your nationalist thinking but your discourse is full of rethoric and hatred, i fail to see why anyone with two afterthoughts of free thinking would support your cause. extremism only fuels more hate, this is known.
added on the 2013-05-31 10:29:11 by psenough psenough
our current form of liberalism isn't exactly brilliant. it is very true we see growing unsolved cultural conflicts everywhere in europe, but nobody feels able to turn the situation for the better. our ideas of individual freedom - that should have made us become confident citizens - made us instead become helpless, lonely robots, unable to change anything. we just let it all happen.

and we really should be worried, because this is the perfect breeding ground for all sorts of extremists with their easy answers to everything: more nationalism, more koran, more whatever... they all lined up for takeover, because we are such an easy prey

i agree there is a big ammount of "it aint my problem" mentality going on in todays society. but i disagree that this is something new. old societies also had them. is it cause for concearn? yes. but i don't think we are more easy prey for extremists now then we were before. the witch hunting season has passed, we have a high number of non-sheeps around who do float up and try to resolve things when extremist problems arise. could it be handled better? sure. should we be doing it preemptively? only if you want thought police running the show. i, for one, do not.
added on the 2013-05-31 10:36:44 by psenough psenough
The problem with tomcat, the way I see it, is that he does not realize he's just another brick in the wall. You can spice up your sentences with medieval old-english words and what not -- but know this: You're just a random annoying person with too much pride, a lack of meta-perspectiveness and politeness with no endurance. I have no kind words to share with you because you're just trolling, according to yourself and your scene friends. Wait, isn't that what all kids say when they're arguing without getting the answer they want? Oops, maybe I should've kept that to myself.
Don't get me wrong, I am not a better person myself, but I actually know some of my problems and I work at getting better. Maybe you should, too?

I'm so glad that tomcat has no "significant" power. Picture a clown with a dictionary, a megaphone and a softgun... that would be the end of us all!
added on the 2013-05-31 11:24:47 by 8bitbubsy 8bitbubsy
Actually he did go to the streets in a clown suit once :)
added on the 2013-05-31 11:34:33 by -SP- -SP-
The main conclusion I got out of this thread was "well, ok, dubmood comes across as the biggest arrogant twat who ever lived, but hey, at least he's not a homophobic, misogynist racist with delusions of grandeur".
added on the 2013-05-31 12:16:13 by leblane leblane
not sure on the delusions of grandeur part tho ;)
added on the 2013-05-31 12:26:18 by el mal el mal
