
please help slengpung..

category: general [glöplog]
...again... Kinda strange, but I miss watching ugly sceners!;-)
added on the 2004-01-09 09:39:56 by Sweex Sweex
plek: what do you mean?
added on the 2004-01-09 12:10:34 by Gargaj Gargaj
that everybody's a slengpung member nowadays.

me, lucky bastard, got kicked out before the memberlist boomed however! beat that leia!
added on the 2004-01-09 12:48:01 by skrebbel skrebbel
the active section only consists of some 20 people or so, which is not that much if you consider that it covers most of the scene-parties.
added on the 2004-01-09 12:57:28 by Gargaj Gargaj
And most of the new members were strategically chosen to cover as many countries/parties as possible. (attention Guatemala, we need a Slengpung representative! ;) ) The original core was decidedly haujobb .no/.fi/.de though.
added on the 2004-01-09 13:10:09 by Shifter Shifter

1 party
120 people
1 slengpung crew member
all of the people at the party boozin at some point of the party.
38 pictures added to slengpung
on theese pictures could I find, 17 different persons, and if you stared at them for a long while you could spot a few more way in the background.

(we can easily explain the content of the pictures like this, person a, b and c on a bench posin, person e and b on another bench drinking beer, person b and c smiling with their toungs out, person f and e takin a picture of each others cameras, person a, e, c and g lyin in the grass being drunk, funny person f puking, person a and c sleeping, next day, person a, f and c sitting on a bench... etc etc)

oh and do I need to mention that the slengpung member had 3-4 soloposes?

And then when I asked to send in my archive of pictures from parties that was not even listed at slengpung though they have a great importance in swedish demoscene history (so I just wanted to help a little), I got told, be sure that there aint only the same people from the same groups on all photos, we have a rule against that.

slengpung rules...
serious, it does
I'm not a regular viewer of Slengpung, though from what I have seen of the site Dubmood is absolutely spot on.

Personally, I just figured that Slengpung was less of a general scene archive and more of a group web site for hosting members' personal photos and in-jokes.

Either way, it's upto the owners how they run it, though it would be cool if it had a more varied collection of sceners, even non-party photos like OJ, just to help put faces to names.
added on the 2004-01-09 15:25:41 by Wade Wade
sorry, but that's all blahblah... sure it's a natural thing that, even uninetnded, slepgpung staff photograph people they know, because you primarily hang out with people you know at a demoparty. but as for myself, i try to cover as much people as possible when i cover a party, and especially focus on people who long time or never were not seen on photo. but still, i'm not photographing lamer X and lamer Y, but people one is really interested to see.

so, yes of course, every party coverage is to a certain grade quite subjective, but still it's not that bad as you describe it.
added on the 2004-01-09 15:39:35 by dipswitch dipswitch
slengpung had around 3000 people in the database. (which means they must appear on at least one of the photos)
nice to have so many friends, eh? :)
added on the 2004-01-09 16:07:40 by Gargaj Gargaj
(naturally that doesn't include the people we don't know and didn't add their info to photos)
added on the 2004-01-09 16:08:43 by Gargaj Gargaj
someone might also want to consider the fact that there are people going to more demoparties than other people, which is why they appear more. (like myself, arcane, melwyn...)

not to mention the 500 pics we got of bronix after breakpoint. and that wasn't just pictures taken by slengpung crew members, but pretty much everyone.

now dubmood: your pics are still on my harddrive, right now there's a jolly good reason why they're not uploaded (since actually, now I DO have time), and you got told the same thing everyone else does.
oh and hm, what party are you talking about? underscore? to your information the pictures of you, for example, had too crappy quality. (wohey, another rule)
added on the 2004-01-09 16:16:38 by leijaa leijaa
hm doh.. actually they are not, dubmood.. I guess they got lost when I moved.

so could you send them AGAIN again? :)
added on the 2004-01-09 16:21:31 by leijaa leijaa
hehe you take me to serious =)
ah ye if I find them, and when slengpung is back up and I ve become sober again since its Daggerr / Fyllecell and Stoner / fyllecells birthdays today
so happy bday to them!
dubmood: I'm sorry to break your heart there, but I've never taken you serious in my whole life.
added on the 2004-01-09 16:38:53 by leijaa leijaa
you just did
Oh no, the Fearmoths gallery is taking too long to load. Please send me money so I can fix the problem. Thanks! :)
dub: or maybe we didn't :)
added on the 2004-01-10 00:58:53 by leijaa leijaa
who you I said you
bara nu är jag bakfull nog att ta upp diskussionen, nej, jo, nej, jo, nej, jo, nej nej nej, jo jo jo
slengpung seems to have more problems than just its hard drive. I submitted gobs of photos last summer to them for our demoparty and none of them ever got posted.....
added on the 2004-01-10 20:10:40 by legalize legalize
legalize: well, just make sure you mail them to someone in the crew that has time for it and isn't the worst stoner in the world etc and it usually goes just fine.
added on the 2004-01-10 21:35:29 by kusma kusma
