
Nobody wants me :( Do you want me at Revision 2012?

category: offtopic [glöplog]
If you've quit your job and your relationship, why would you need to or expect to have any energy? Those are both traumatic events and recovering from them takes time. That's what depression has always been to me: a chemical imbalance in the brain brain caused by external (or internal, or chronic) stimuli. It takes time to heal or go away. Communicating and meeting people helps. And that really is the conundrum of depression: to heal properly, you need things that you don't really have the energy or motivation to do. I spent years in places I'd rather not recall and it was a long, long climb from up there.

That's actually why dogs are great for depressed people: they offer companionship, unconditional love and they force you to take care of them which means going outside and meeting people.
added on the 2011-09-14 14:01:31 by Preacher Preacher
I can't have a dog, I have a small flat. And dogs stink.
added on the 2011-09-14 14:31:10 by aki aki
Your body tends to create enough energy for what you need to do. If you have no job or relationship, it won't be generating much, and you won't have much energy to get started. Only way to beat this is to fight it - decide to do something, then go do it.
added on the 2011-09-14 14:33:33 by psonice psonice
I have a new job, I forgot to write. Which I like. It's not about job. It's about relationships and friends.
added on the 2011-09-14 14:37:20 by aki aki
Factor6: Do some drugs, mkay...
added on the 2011-09-14 14:45:21 by Frost Frost
...or stop flooding on this site and die, eh? okay.
added on the 2011-09-14 14:48:17 by aki aki
go out for a coffee, preferably takeaway and not from a chain shop.. small chit chat after a few weeks starts out to long winding conversations stopping other people from ordering and they think youre the man because you know people behind the counter.. plus many sexy wimmins work there

and dogs and cats equally rule. but you could buy a goat.
added on the 2011-09-14 14:48:26 by `fade `fade
added on the 2011-09-14 14:49:35 by Frost Frost
when I've been stolen my sperm by my exgirlfriend.

LOL. What?

How did that work?

Did she give it back to you later?

Did she make babies for you??
added on the 2011-09-14 18:23:18 by vibrator vibrator
and did you call the police about this sperm theft??!?!!?
added on the 2011-09-14 18:32:05 by el mal el mal
im very curious about this sperm theft too!
added on the 2011-09-14 19:40:19 by nic0 nic0
Guys, turkey baster?
added on the 2011-09-14 20:28:59 by psonice psonice
maybe it vas something like ### illegal sperm theft via telepathy ### ?
no. illegal telepathy is outdated.
added on the 2011-09-14 21:05:22 by pista pista
BB Image
added on the 2011-09-14 21:47:06 by meduusa meduusa
Listen man, I will submit my perspective and hope I'll help you to escape from your maze... You have to understand that life has its ups and downs... Sometimes, we feel like so strong that we can conquer the world, whereas some others we feel like we are the abandoned race of the mankind! It's just a phase; it will come and go and when you come out of it, you will be stronger!

Try going out (even walking benefits; trust me) and stop dedicating your mind resources to nonsense like suic**es (i cannot even say the word!) and shit! We are here for you :)
added on the 2011-09-14 22:48:24 by voxy voxy
don't think i need anything at all
added on the 2011-09-14 23:50:02 by Gargaj Gargaj
due to the fact that we lost already friends who comitted suicide, be sure that this thread is serious shit.

better let it be no fooling around, otherwise revision 2012 will end up with broken jaws...
added on the 2011-09-15 00:00:35 by _docd _docd
@voXfReaX: you are a very decent human being. good post!

I've been dealing with depressions for the better part of my life. Just around two years ago I really hit rock bottom due to a burn out.
That was the most terrifying thing I ever experienced. Still recovering from that :/

Factor6, please stay strong and don't do anything stupid. There's only this one life to live.

A small anecdote: When I was really (!) down, the turning point for me was an encounter with this very young kid/baby in the elevator
where I used to live. She smiled at me and I felt like I was completely transparent to her. Very hard to describe. Although I am
definitely not a religious person in that moment I thought, ok god, finally we meet.

Please don't make fun of this, it's a true story and I just wanted to let you know that you are not alone.
added on the 2011-09-15 01:20:26 by xyz xyz
lets face it: i claim that more than half of the scene is dealing with depressions, some may be harder and long termed - others may be shorter and not that drastic.

one of the problems is the social isolation.
we meet most of our friends and contacts only a few times, sometimes only once, a year. for the rest of the year we´re dealing with nonsceners and ordinary people who dont even have a clue what we are doing ("ah you where the guy whos doing something with a computer right?")

next problem, especially for the "scene-highskillers" is that the amount of people you want around yourself is fucking small, because most of the people cant keep up with your intellect.

which leads to the next point:

we have a bunch of nice nerdgirls around, but except for clary/drifters or zania/Limp Ninja, they are only inscene because their boyfriends are.

regular women you meet on street:
what the fuck shall you talk about with them?

what maybe not the problem, because most of us wouldnt even talk to a girl on street asking for her phonenumber.

my wife is still telling everyone the story that she didnt even know why she let me date her...and she dont stop telling everyone that i was a milkfaced, bad haircut, drugabusing nerdo back then.
(yeah...i really looked different 10 years ago....)

all above mentioned can lead us to a point of life where we feel alone.
starting to look around and find that all our facebook, pouet, irc friends arent much more than AI Applications who are nice for entertaining purposes but nothing more.

which maybe true in many cases, but i assume that the main part of the scene is caring more than usual for their scenemates.

the scene helped a lot of people to get through it.
we had sceners where it was too late or even impossible.
but noone can say that we didnt do the best we could.

but to be honest, and because i went through a burnout-syndrome including panicattacks, depressions and suicidal thoughts, all above mentioned is not really helping.

the only thing that helps is going to a psychologist, telling him about the panicattacks, fears and stuff, telling him that you dont want medics who affect your consciousness (i got Opipramol, which helped a lot...and i dont even get stoned. it just killed the feeling that starts in the stomach right before the fear takes place) and that really helps.

so F6:
1. move your lazy butt to a doctor...
2. go out and meet people
3. keep us informed

added on the 2011-09-15 08:55:43 by _docd _docd
ah and i forget: get your ass to revision...we fill you up with beer.
added on the 2011-09-15 08:58:24 by _docd _docd
p.s.: @docd: Als Freund empfehle ich Dir dieses Buch
Du bist wohl durch dieselbe Hölle gegangen wie ich. Das ist nicht wie ein Arm- oder Beinbruch, der nach ein paar Monaten verheilt ist.

@everyone else: This topic is dead serious. As an "old fart" I can only give you this one advise: Take this seriously, don't waste yourself for an industry that does not give you much back in return.

If this kind of thing hits, it hits hard.
added on the 2011-09-16 04:10:54 by xyz xyz
It is a difficult state, but do not think. I (as other dudes from the scene, pouet surely do...) know how d'ye feel, but it is temporary. I mean, it will be gone. At least it should.

My questions are:
1. What is your definition of a "friend"? What do you (and do we need o expect sth from a friend) expect?
2. You are looking for a woman or a man - as friend?
3. Do you need a pal to have a beer/party or you need a woman to be close to her, to be taken into her arms?
4. Are you aware that in our society ppl are afraid of being hurt, so they close themselves in terms of protection? And it is not so easy to have a _real_ friend, who is there without any interest, for nice and shitty situations. But still they are some who are opened =).
5. You are never alone, even if you think so. There is ALWAYS someone who likes you more than you think.

Take care fellow! Good luck =).
added on the 2011-09-16 12:08:00 by sim sim
xyz: im over it...really.

all doubts are gone...i know now that iam fucking awesome.
added on the 2011-09-16 17:39:43 by _docd _docd
yeah man, you're so fucking awesome that you feel the urge to post shit like this:
otherwise revision 2012 will end up with broken jaws...

have you ever considered the possibility that your carefully crafted toughman image (muhaha) ridiculizes your otherwise potentially useful contributions to threads like this?
added on the 2011-09-16 19:25:18 by havoc havoc
