
Demozone 2008 cancelled

category: general [glöplog]
geen zijn in omvomen de gehad zefde organisatoren !
Pindakass !
added on the 2008-10-08 22:16:05 by 24 24
at 8 nov there is a party at my place, the entire floor is open (7 people) so if a few sceners want to join the fun in the hague you're all welcome (max capacity ~50)
added on the 2008-10-08 22:27:04 by numtek numtek
i'll be going wherever the rest is going also that weekend
added on the 2008-10-08 23:05:23 by havoc havoc
yeh, boozefriday!
added on the 2008-10-08 23:12:22 by el mal el mal
Huge shame this has been cancelled, but I appreciate there are good reasons for this.
Too bad, I was looking forward to it :(
added on the 2008-10-09 01:49:33 by Alpha C Alpha C
But Kindergarden is not cancelled! :D
added on the 2008-10-09 09:46:55 by leijaa leijaa
and neither is TRSAC! :)
added on the 2008-10-09 10:02:58 by Puryx Puryx
nor my lunch!
Nutman: difference is, that it is more likely that we will attend your lunch, than you would attend ANY of these parties ;)
added on the 2008-10-09 10:27:02 by Puryx Puryx
NooOOooOO not demozone!
added on the 2008-10-09 17:38:47 by the_Ye-Ti the_Ye-Ti
added on the 2008-10-09 18:08:57 by scoutski scoutski
hey guys, let's make this happen for real. I made a doodle poll, everyone interested in showing up, please fill it out right now (takes 2 seconds) at:
added on the 2008-10-11 13:44:22 by skrebbel skrebbel
added on the 2008-10-11 14:17:09 by okkie okkie
good to see so many people signed up already!

keep'em coming :-)

(aka, *bump*)
added on the 2008-10-11 21:55:53 by skrebbel skrebbel
friday evening I'm in Utrecht anyway so I say let's do it
added on the 2008-10-11 22:22:14 by numtek numtek
I live in Utrecht but I don't know you guys.
added on the 2008-10-12 10:07:59 by scoutski scoutski
sounds like a great opportunity to change that!
added on the 2008-10-12 10:29:06 by skrebbel skrebbel
oh, what the heck :)
added on the 2008-10-12 11:01:35 by scoutski scoutski
shit! well, this pubmeet sounds like a nice alternative!
added on the 2008-10-12 12:29:18 by earx earx
Hè! Gezellig!
added on the 2008-10-12 14:28:02 by scoutski scoutski

The voting for the pubmeet-date is now closed, and the winner-date is... (drumroll)

As such, it has now been decided, coming friday (7 nov) there will be a cool and awesome demoscene dinner+pubmeet in utrecht somewhere! All attend! I guess we'll start around 19:00 or so, dinnertime. The plan is to first go to a nice average-priced restaurant to eat food and talk cozy, and then to move on to some bar. Any suggestions are most welcome.

The attendance list can still be seen (and added to) here.

I believe I got a mail a while ago from earx about nice ideas for pubs/restaurants, I'll dig it up when I'm home. Meanwhile, please post your suggestions here.

See you friday!
added on the 2008-11-03 20:16:39 by skrebbel skrebbel
Friday is fine! I know a few places where we can eat, there is good Greek and tons of pubrestaurants.

Recommend: De Kolonie, Delphi's and even the King Arthur is not half bad :)
added on the 2008-11-03 20:22:43 by okkie okkie
