cycorvallen - english/german demogroup starting
category: general [glöplog]
ps: You already applied to join to. So has gargaj. And kusma.
not even gloves can protect you when you fall down into a pit holding a cockatrice, better off metamorphing and laying some eggs instead.. pet cockatrices si teh rulez0r.. sucks that they move so slow :/
This group is gonna be a very big hit
ps: really pouet-try....
stefan: it's the sad truth :(
cycorvallen, that sounds even worse than speedfisters
Niels: group name also avaliable as tatoo and branding.....
correction: Doom is not for sale, but he will take care of you if you do not come up with $$$..
Actually none of my group is for sale anymore. Now we are just blackmailing you. If you dont come up with $$$ we are going to win the BP compos with a giant cycorvallen fucktro!!! Also Doom will come after you.
stealth: thx for tip... we are proud to be greeted in a fucktro from you....
yes the first greets .... this will we veryyy cool...
and on bp big screen.....
yes the first greets .... this will we veryyy cool...
and on bp big screen.....
and stealth(stethuz) you will be greeted on our homepage, too
Today we have started our newdmochannel:
everybody from demoscene is welcome...
everybody from demoscene is welcome...
Stop teaching Maali Swedish phrases! He's gonna bring us all down!
uhhh.. var har jag svenska pratat?
maali: kukhuven!
jö mödår är en hör
[offtopic]Skrebbel : check your emails please...[/offtopic]
espernet is full of goths isn't it?
If you have any spare coders.. hello I'll give them a nice home ;]
If you have any spare coders.. hello I'll give them a nice home ;]
i liiikee, you liiiike? waawaaaweeewaaa!
Maali: "hoera" looked like Swedish when I read it yesterday after a couple of beers but now that I've sobered up it doesn't look like anything so nevermind... :)
your name suckz big time... mercury wins again.