
The Epic Voyage II - Demoscene Summer Tour 2008

category: general [glöplog]
planes are so anti-ecological.

walk u should! :p
added on the 2007-03-01 15:15:14 by Zest Zest
Planes just suck. Not the flight itself but all the other stuff. Airport security etc. Yawn.
added on the 2007-03-01 15:19:21 by doomdoom doomdoom
shifter: really? you know something? would be great because I really missed it this year :-(
added on the 2007-03-01 20:42:03 by sparcus sparcus
last year that is :-)
added on the 2007-03-01 20:42:34 by sparcus sparcus
yeh, nothing beats a 10hr drive what a plane can do in under 3 hours
added on the 2007-03-01 23:10:02 by el mal el mal
read Maali's comment above
added on the 2007-03-01 23:44:10 by EviL EviL
a. Being locked in a moving vehicle with ile, plek and joegi was arguably one of the most amusing and exciting ways to spend 10 hours in germany. Skrebbel is a runner-up.

b. Three hours, not counting traffic towards the airport, the mind-numbing check-in queue, boarding queue and the wonderful time spent waiting for your suitcase at baggage retrieval. If you're lucky, they'll ask you what the hell that metal box you lug around is supposed to be (this is not an invitation to make a quip about explosives, they have latex gloves at the ready when you *do*).

added on the 2007-03-02 00:33:15 by Shifter Shifter
i prefer 10 hours on a bus, train or car any day over 30min getting to the airport, 1.5h waiting for the flight to start, an hour sitting in an airplane, 30min waiting for luggage and then another 30 min to 2 hour to get to wherever the fuck you were going in the end.
added on the 2007-03-02 00:42:00 by uncle-x uncle-x
was in France.
added on the 2007-03-02 01:49:46 by iks iks
alright, here are a couple of scenarios:

situation A

we have 9 (or less) people interested. i will rent or borrow from someone (ahah) a van, which will take us to every destination.

situation B

we have between 10 and 18 people interested. i will rent or borrow 2 vans, this means 4 drivers minimum, which is doable.

situation C

we have more than 18 people interested. a bus will be necessary. one option, to save money, would be for me and possibly 2 other people to get a bus driving license. that's hopefully not a shitload of money, i will check into it.

in either situation, i will make precise calculations about costs, and after some pre-registration, people will be asked to pay half until 15th March 2008. this secures the trip and the rest of the people who really want to go, as it kind of "forces" people not to quit.

about sleeping during the trip: has anyone some suggestions? of course we shouldn't go to a hotel, that's too expensive, and we can't show up at dipswitch's place with 30 people.
added on the 2007-03-22 17:29:11 by jeenio jeenio
you can sleep in the bus? :D
added on the 2007-03-22 17:42:08 by el mal el mal
if we have a 55 person bus, ok, that's no problem. but if we have 1 or 2 vans almost full, it's hard to sleep. and you wouldn't last 1 month doing that.
added on the 2007-03-22 17:45:09 by jeenio jeenio
It sounds like a fun trip. I'd definitely consider to gargaj.
added on the 2007-03-22 17:52:14 by mentor mentor
yeh, i obviously cannot tell my financial and social state around that time, neither whether i have the time for it.. but i would jump on the bandwagon *PUNAGE*
added on the 2007-03-22 18:20:44 by el mal el mal
I bet you want a lot of sceners just to learn how to drive a new thing :D
added on the 2007-03-22 18:30:01 by xernobyl xernobyl
some first calculations:

- a 9 people van, rented for 5 weeks, it's about 2.600 eur
- gas + toll for 15000 km is about 2000 eur

so, for 9 people, would be a bit over the 500 eur. my guess is that with a bigger bus the price per person tends to drop.
added on the 2007-03-22 19:23:03 by jeenio jeenio
It's hard too find that many people here :(
Yes, nine.
added on the 2007-03-22 19:48:42 by xernobyl xernobyl
i'd be interessted. i guess.
reminds me of some hippie movie BB Image
added on the 2007-03-22 21:24:44 by lorents lorents
we should also look around before we decide where we rent the bus from. the prices might differ around europe.

i might be able to get contact info for some guy who owns a bus and does bandtours with his bus, that could be a cheaper option.
also, i think there's a lot of bands with their own tourbusses, renting one of those would also be cheaper than renting one from some company.
added on the 2007-03-23 00:36:57 by nosfe nosfe
the idea is to start the tour in portugal and pick up sceners all the way till assembly, which will prolly be the first party of the tour. so it makes more sense to get the car/van/bus from portugal or spain at maximum, i think.

but nosfe, if it's VERY much cheaper, maybe you or other finn could drive it all the way till portugal to pick us up :)
added on the 2007-03-23 00:58:43 by jeenio jeenio
Hmm, a trip like this would eat up almost all my vacation days, but I suppose it's worth it, so I'm interested too :-)

About the sleeping: how about bringing a lot of tents and camping illegally in the woods? :-)

added on the 2007-03-23 01:13:10 by sparcus sparcus
just a couple of thoughts... i'd love to be aon a trip like this, but it's far too early to predict if it will be practically implementable next summer...
- a 9 people van, rented for 5 weeks, it's about 2.600 eur

how about a 4 people car, in my posession, it's about 0 euros :-)

ofcourse we would need multiple cars to travel around with a group- given recent experiences, i don't think it will be too much of a problem to arrange this though.
- gas + toll for 15000 km is about 2000 eur

you are assuming that a van loaded with 9 guys and luggage will do 1:10 approximately. that's kind of optimistic if you ask me. ;)

actually, my main suggestion at this point would be not to theoreticise too much about the mode of transportation. i agree with you that 500 euro/person in travel money could basically get us anywhere in europe where we want to go. but if we first decide how we want to travel somewhere, we'll be sure to face unnecessary fees later on.

a practical example: if we want to go to assembly (and i assume we would ;)), what's the point in bringing a bus to helsinki? the party will likely be in the same city where our boat arrives, so all we would do with the bus is in finland is drive it off the boat, park it somewhere, and drive it back onto the boat again.

let's concentrate on the schedule first. getting weeks of holidays from our employers will be far more difficult than renting busses/boats/helicopters/whatever we need to get around ;) i think the maximum time i could get from my employer would be about 3 weeks... :( is it still worth to make such a trip if it's only 3 weeks at all?
added on the 2007-03-23 09:45:37 by havoc havoc
wise havoc...

i do understand what you are saying and you brought up some valid points into the discussion.

how about a 4 people car, in my posession, it's about 0 euros :-)

in 2005, when we travelled 11.000 with my mum's car, several problems happened: the car wasn't really fit to make the journey, so i spent 500 eur just to make it ready and 200 extra in rotterdam when the transmission axel gave up. so that was 700 eur that could have been avoided if the car was more or less new. of course rented cars can have problems as well, but if we rent for instance with europcar, if we have a problem they can prolly give us a replacement in any country in europe. i think... maybe not :)

you are assuming that a van loaded with 9 guys and luggage will do 1:10 approximately. that's kind of optimistic if you ask me. ;)

not really, i just put the cost of the diesel in portugal, which is less than other countries except spain, where gas is quite cheap.

actually, my main suggestion at this point would be not to theoreticise too much about the mode of transportation.

i'm just assuming that less cars = cheaper = less drivers = more fun, but i could be mistaken, never drove with more than 1 car in such a trip. also, i wanted to check how many people are interested so if that's the case i can organize some kind of sponsor for a bus or something - i dunno how interested intel would be if we would paint a bus with their logo and travel through 6 demoparties :)

a practical example: if we want to go to assembly (and i assume we would ;)), what's the point in bringing a bus to helsinki?

none. just like we did last year, we would leave the bus in sweden.

is it still worth to make such a trip if it's only 3 weeks at all?

you could do just a few demoparties. like, 3. i mean, i'm assuming that the parties will (please please please) be in consecutive weekends, so that wouldn't be a problem. hey, party orgas, could you please meet at breakpoint or whatever and make a nice schedule for us? :) for instance, asm07 is august 2nd, and chaos construcion07 is august 15th, would be nice if those parties would be in consecutive weekends, and afterwards we could head to germany for evoke and switzerland for buenzli.

sparcus: what about the places where there are no woods? :)
added on the 2007-03-23 15:45:47 by jeenio jeenio
Isn't Chaos Construction in Russia? Russia is a bit far away...
added on the 2007-03-23 16:35:36 by xernobyl xernobyl
And a sponsored bus would be great... maybe we could get someone to gafity the bus :D
added on the 2007-03-23 16:36:25 by xernobyl xernobyl
