
Good Bye Nectarine

category: general [glöplog]
Sorry ?
added on the 2008-09-21 17:43:25 by willbe willbe
déconnez pas avec ça !
added on the 2008-09-21 17:47:56 by esion esion
plopbox down?! fuck :_(
added on the 2008-09-21 17:49:53 by qwesza qwesza
Doh: could you explain what you've said about me ?
I did burried noone, moreover I'm not involved in anything related to any scene-music radio project.
added on the 2008-09-21 21:43:12 by willbe willbe
willbe, i think he was referring to your question about ojuice pages ago. which was a mere question, so doh is in fact suggesting something himself. i'm wondering what it is that he's suggesting.
added on the 2008-09-21 21:46:48 by skrebbel skrebbel
Indeed, I've drawn the parallel with the abandon of ojuice.net long ago.
But I didn't burry Nectarine, DrYes did it by himself.
(source from his open letter : discouraged feeling, donors asked to stop their subscriptions, goodbye)
added on the 2008-09-21 22:40:58 by willbe willbe
Well, in the contex (some guys thinking Yes could have take this attack as an excuse to stop all), Axel defended:

guys, seriously, would you kill a project that you worked on with passion for more than 8 years, and while you worked on new features etc? That's ridiculous.

knowing Yes a bit, I can't imagine your claims to be true.

then You said
What did happen to ojuice.net already ?

This leads to think that the Ojuice team or at least even some of them decided to turn off the site the day after...
Which is NOT what happened. Even if stopping Ojuice was planned, the service breakdown was real and Chandra worked hard to at least recover the users database to keep Nectarine alive.
Nobody scuttled Ojuice.net.

But this is all off topic...

I'd add a random picture if I was not so sad...

Seriously guys, I feel shocked.
It's like if a friend of mine had been gunshot because he had let his door unlocked during the night. A drunk guy entered and said: "unsafe to let the door open, now die fag!"...

added on the 2008-09-21 23:15:42 by doh doh
Stop the drama, shit happens, deal with it.
added on the 2008-09-21 23:17:18 by willbe willbe
btw, it seems like the current plan by Yes is the following. Some of you may be aware that former Nectarine-admin Arab and a bunch of top-motivated guys (Terraesque, BombmanDK, etc) started coding a Nectarine-replacement (www.scenemusic.pl) while Yes' harddisk was still in limbo. And they progressed really quickly. Yes now wants to recover the harddisk with the song-database, and then hand that over to Arab and his crew. The name of the new radio is still uncertain, since we're not sure if Yes would allow us to continue using the name Nectarine. But we'll see. He also mentioned he wants to attend BP09 with the rest of us Brainstormers, and then maybe say goodbye to the scene. Although that remains to be seen. ;-)
added on the 2008-09-30 08:05:02 by Axel Axel
btw. if you guys feels like (a small version) some scene/amiga-radio just head over to http://radio.polarboing.com/ . it has been running for quite a few years now.

While waiting for the new radio :)
added on the 2008-10-01 07:21:46 by Proteque Proteque
It doesn't matter, I have changed my FF bookmark for Nectarine to scenemusic.pl :)
added on the 2008-10-01 09:26:55 by El Topo El Topo
and then maybe say goodbye to the scene.

who the fuck can say GOODBYE to the scene at BREAKPOINT? nobody can!
Yes, he can :)
added on the 2008-10-01 16:12:14 by faraday faraday
you'll see, he can't... :)
Yes, I am late, I only found out about the lame hack today. Thats a real pitty to say at least. I used to hang around a lot in the good old days. May the armpits of that script kiddy be infested by the fleas of thousand camels. To begin with.

But I am horrified about the backup-strategy - hey, come on guys, this is the 21st century, hard drives are cheap and rsync makes backups faster and more efficient than anything else. I'll tell you a story, five years ago I found an old big tower with some rusty K7-800/256MB. I stuffed 10 harddrive into that bitch over the years (5x160GB, 5x320GB, as RAID5+LVM), giving me a whooping 2TB of space for less then €1000 - and then those parts were new and expensive!!!

Twice a day this system powers up itself automatically and makes a --link-dest Backup of around 40 Systems and afterwards it switches itself off again. Running costs for power are around €30 per year. Yeah, had one drive failture over the years, another €40. And the best, it gives me version control for free because backups look like this:

root@backupslave:~# ls -1d /data/example.at.home/*

All that is done with one line of script code:

rsync --numeric-ids --link-dest=$BASEDIR/$SNAP/snapshot-$LDATE --exclude-from=$BASEDIR/$SNAP/.exclude -vzaHS $SNAP:/ $BASEDIR/$SNAP/snapshot-$NDATE

Did I add that an additional backup, while looking like a complete file mirror, only takes up the space of the differenting files?

Additionally the system is brutally firewalled, only accessible from the console and uses aes512-luks drive encryption in case big brother gets interested.

Backuping a single server could have been done using two spare 500GB drives for a total cost of €100 - on even days use drive one, on odd days drive two. Just in case one dies.

Finally I say thanks again for nectarine. But it didn't had to end this way.
Right after Nectarine had been shut down I started to create a new demoscene- style internet radio. In the first few days a couple of friends joined the team. You can visit to our website and listen to the stream at http://www.sceneman.net .
added on the 2008-10-09 20:33:15 by Bugg Bugg
Trying again to make the url clickable :) http://www.sceneman.net
added on the 2008-10-09 20:48:59 by Bugg Bugg
any news on the sql-db?
added on the 2008-10-27 00:40:30 by raer raer
no, Yes keeps being quite about that.
Yes is going through something really sad at the moment. I'm sure all of you will understand that he wants to keep it private for now. However, he'll be in touch in November with the scenemusic.pl folks, and told me that the database is intact and will be given to Arab. He just asks for some time due to the other incident.
added on the 2008-10-28 17:07:20 by Axel Axel
k then. I was just wondering...
added on the 2008-10-28 17:56:37 by raer raer
sad to hear that, but I guess we all can understand him.
Anything new?
added on the 2008-12-24 18:41:31 by Salinga Salinga
added on the 2008-12-24 19:16:08 by doh doh
